1000 Spinner Results

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lil___-42isAnswerToLife___-lil, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. Hello! I think this will be my last update. I realized that I needed more data for accuracy and for me to prove or disprove anything; it will take me forever to gather data and give you decent results but here you go.

    Here are the stats of the accounts that I used.

    Sure my Alt #4 got the Money Dog, My Alt #3 got Pizza Bikini while nada goes to my main 🀣 Still, I don't think that avi stats play some magic here nor your combined stats. Again, I cannot prove or disprove anything with this data--I don't think the probability of getting a pizza bikini is the same with the probability of getting a money dog or a slow jam-- am I right? I really needed more.
  2. @Carms that's some well-presented data! Ty 😱
    Carms likes this.
  3. Thank you @Kefo 😊
  4. Tons of accounts and no big wins ? Your Feng shui is way off. Maybe buying some of those $99 credit packs might help I don’t know.

    tru : (
  5. [​IMG]



    Raina likes this.
  6. This is lovely work, thank you.
    I really want to code an application/database that can record and analyze data from most aspects of PIMD πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄ e.g. calculating the size of a strangers showcase
    Victoria, Lumi and Adoringly like this.
  7. This is super cool to see. I currently have 1049 spins saved up, but only use them for missions these days. I went through ~200 trying to get last month's spinner boxes. After so many weak spins, I was a bit crestfallen.
  8. lol this has nothing to do w avi stats, it’s a random % chance either way

    in reality, chibi has like 25% chance along with the 1ec and goldfish item

    this meaning the 25% is across 10% per each chibi (divided by total amount of chibis available)

    something like that
  9. Very interesting! Thank you for compiling these data!
    Lite likes this.
  10. I'm so close to 1000, took much longer than I though and probably still a few months to go
    Puma likes this.
  11. apparently 2024. now to wait until I actually use them.
    keyleth, Victoria, Mitch and 6 others like this.
  12. Use some graphs plz I wanna see pie charts
    keyleth and Kefo like this.
  13. Raina - July and August 2021

    203 spins sample:

    Chibis: 71
    Monthly set components: 82
    1 ecs: 14
    5 ecs: 3
    Dns: 9
    Cash: 46
    25 speakers: 1
    Wild amp:
    Monthly timer box: 22
    Crackers/Munion: 11
    Capsule animal: 1
    Pizza kini: 2
    Hypnocat: 0
    Money dog: 0
    Slow jam: 0
    Party limo: 0
    Party yacht: 0
    8 hour peace tag: 1
    1 day peace tag: 1

    506 spins sample - August

    Chibis: 159
    Monthly set components: 144
    1 ecs: 62
    5 ecs: 6
    Dns: 8
    Cash: 88
    25 speakers: 1
    Amps: 5
    Wild amp: 0
    Monthly timer box: 12
    Crackers/Munion: 6
    Capsule animal: 9
    Pizza kini: 0
    Hypnocat: 0
    Money dog: 1
    Slow jam: 1
    Party limo: 1
    Party yacht: 2
    1 day peace tag: 1
    flameSy likes this.
  14. updateme
    flameSy and Kefo like this.
  15. I'm sitting on 1414 πŸ’€ takes so long for the 12 spins in the side story 😹
    I was curious how the results might be changed if you have the max number of timer boxes already. I always assumed it would just change to spot to "cash."
  16. Cat is 0% omg
  17. it's definitely not 0, I've had it drop like twice maybe and you'll see it announced in campus when someone wins it.... but yeah, something like 0.0001%
    Sleepy_kitsune and ouvi like this.