1.)I hate cheese 2.)I've never had a waffle 3.)I think I may be anorexic 4.)my parents are divorced cuz my mom cheated on my dad 5.) my mom can't pay for food she can only pay for the house 6.)I've pictured many of my dying ways 7.)my oldest brother died from a drive by 8.)I have 4 more brothers 9.)I'm in love with Ryan Conferido, Dominic Sandoval, and Brian Hirano 10.)I am am middle child and am 13
1) I have a very sick, dark, and twisted mind 2) I am hoping to become an author but I have no friends so no one reads my stories 3) I have really bad OCD 4) I used to cut myself... 5) My childhood was terrible 6) I dream of myself dying almost every night 7) I am not afraid of the dark but I am afraid of what lurks in it 8) I am very socially awkward 9) I am physically weak but mentally strong 10) I am extremely lonely
1) I love life 2) I love icecream 3) I hate a lot of foods ,expecially cheese 4) I'm 16 5) 6) I own a alpaca 7) I the beach 8) and the color purple 9) number 6 is fake 10) you just read through this whole thing! Congradulations here's a balloon for your achievement
1) I'm a hopeless romantic 2) No one loves me the way I love them, they see me as just a friend 3) I briefly experimented sexuality 4) I have no real friends but tons of friends at the same time 5) I have a stupid dream of being President of US 6) My brother has driven me to a depression 7) I cried myself to sleep over a girl that just thinks I'm "cute and silly" 8) I'll never find love 9) Im the epitome of Republicanism in a Liberal school 10) I'm only 15 10)