10 Confessions 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *peanut8989 (01), Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Throws a gloop of ice cream at secil
  2. 1. I've been here longer than a bunch of ppl
    2. I need to use the bathroom (#1)
    3. I'm 16
    4. I look like I am 18
    5. German chocolate is the best
    6. I'm puerto rican
    7. I'm soo white it's not even funny :/
    8. I hate to be confused (some ppl think I am American untill I talk Spanish)
    9. I have a rats tail (hair cut?)
    10. I love this blonde girl ;) <3
    11. I am always very happy and nice but I cry myself to sleep
    12. I am really loving person :)
  3. Thankyou for telling us that you have to pee.
  4. That nice to know
  5. Its Always great to know when a guy needs to use the bathroom :)
    13. I'm very public to when I use the bathroom XD
  6. Hahaha oh jeez. And I'm blonde btw 
  7. Why is it that there always a long line for girls bathroom and then there the boy bathroom I see one go in and get out fast as hell
  8. 1. Maybe because we can hold it a bit longer?
    2. Public guy bathrooms are nasty
    3. And we don't really have to sit then clean down there? (applies for #1)
  9. Let me tell u, public girls bathrooms ate no better >_<
  10. Are** stupid auto correct -_-
  11. Lol Yeah it's hard to believe actual ppl use those and make them that dirty X|
  12. Public bathroom are nasty you don't know what people do with them
  13. That's why I don't use them unless I feel I'm gonna explode.
  14. Um wow that nice to know
  15. Ya never take me out to drink that much liquid in a public place XD
  16. Boys get weirder and more complicated as they come