10 Confessions 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *peanut8989 (01), Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Life is Beautyful
    We need to LVe OurSelfs Before AnyOne Can lOve us
    Cutting yourself is the wrong exploitation.
  2. Only two things you can do with condoms...
    Blow them up with air or something scary and horrifying ._.
  3. Life not rainbows and gumdrops but if it was that would be kick ass
  4. Life sucks for everyone. Some just cope better than others.
  5. what scary and horrfiying
  6. Life is awesome  it kicks ass
  7. Dont forget icecream haha
  8. Break them 
  9.  do u really have no idea?
  10. Rainbow hearts will not bring anyone over to the light side
  11. Ice cream heals all.
  12. Phia be lucky to be flat cause when your sister getting older she gonna have back problems and sag so you have a big advantge 
  13. I worship ice cream*Bows*P.S I like sundae's
  14. I do, don't I? 
  15. I  ice cream 
  16. Yep yep you do yummy ice cream*takes a handful and eats*
  17. Why is everyone laughing *takes another spoonful of icream*
  18. Because ice cream is far out