10 Confessions 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *peanut8989 (01), Nov 5, 2011.

  1. She was jut trying to explain it to me. Dint be so mean.
  2. I used to cut (havnt in a while now), but I did it because I always used to think that everything was my fault. I had that whole "Daddy hits me because he loves me" syndrome. Now I understand otherwise and once I started really opening my eyes to things (which I recently started doing with only a few minor slip ups) I realized that life really isnt that bad. And someone out there really does care about you, even if it's only through an app.

    I also have a confession to being one of those girls that always falls for the guys that need help. My current "boyfriend" (more like project from the way he treats me sometimes) is 16 years old and spent all last year in rehab for drugs and is still a big time alcoholic. He's created on me several times yet I continue to help him because I feel like I could be the one to change him. Be that one person that makes the player hang up his jersey and quit the game, you know? So I really do relate to those girls that feel the same.

    Okay well my not so little shpeel is now over. I felt like writing that although it doesn't gave much to do with confessions. But if anyone related to me in anyway and would like to talk, feel free to follow and chat me. I'm always here. 
  3. Cheated** not created lol
  4. Roguel
    I do know what it's like
    So yeah I'm not ignorant
  5. Have** not gave.

    Stupid auto correct ,_,
  6. 1. I feel awkward posting these, but I'll do it anyways.
    2. I'm very complicated
  7. my post was cut. 
    must be a sign not to post my confessions. 
  8. Damn you people are depressing as fuh, and it's really not necessary to share your problems of cutting and suicide or suicidal thoughts on a GAME full of judgmental people, just a thought. Anywho here are my 10 confessions...

    1. I'm 19.
    2. I'm Cuban and proud.
    3. I love Starbucks.
    4. I LOVE hockey and own season tickets for my home team.
    5. My favorite color is .
    6. I want to live in the country, where I live is overrated.
    7. I have never tried hurting myself or anyone else for that matter.
    8. I rescued a dog and she is now the love of my life.
    9. I love to read Nicholas Sparks novels.
    10. I speak my mind, don't hold grudges, and love unconditionally, you only live once, so I make it worth it.

    Peace. Love. Hockey. 
  9. 1: I have missed my x girlfriend for over a year.
    2: I have cheated on every single girl I have dated.
    3: I need to stop being such a jerk to girls I have dated bc of cheating.
    4: I am one of the most popular kids in my school but none of the people that i talk to would really have my back.
    5: I need to stop cursing so much.
    6: I have let down my parents way to much.
    7: I'm not a virgin.
    8: I talk way to much crap when I play football.
    9: I play a lot of xbox.
    10: I am a player.
  10. Wow I'm learning alot from this thread seeing how people are now makes you wonder all these choices people make in life really affects their fates
  11. Girls who fall for guys because they need help: That can be a disadvantage on your part.
    That's the situation with my parents.
    My father pulls the " I want to heal " line and she's won over.
  12. 1.i have ADHD
    2.i think my mom loves my brother more than me
    3.i think about suicide
    4.i act like i dont have a care in the world even tho im sensitive
    5.i get scared when people touch my stomach n when ppl dress up as animals
    5.i have a breathing problem
    6.i like scars (depends on what they look like)
    7.i tell everything to 1 of my best friends
    8.i hate being alone
    9.i have a really short temper
    10.i am 15
  13. 1)I'm crazy.
    2)I can't watch shows that talk about how they died, saw a beautiful meadow, and came back. It makes me feel like I should just kill myself already.
    3)I can't decide between liking girls or guys, but I don't want to be bisexual. I want something that's definite.
    4)I wish my parents would be proud of me.
    5)I feel flat chested all the time because my sister has gigantic boobs. And she makes fun of me for it. >.>
    6)I hate bitter chocolate, but I hate sweet things.
    7)I can't stand the color orange. It drives me insane ._.
    8)I don't shave on weekends .-.
    9)I'm secretly a nympho.
    10)I spend all my money on condoms ._.
  14. On condoms
  15. Condoms what do you do with them
  16. What do you think she does with them?

  17. Like more than half there people cut or r depressed! 
  18. Ice cream it life and it really sucks escpecially for these people
  19. I no…but it's still sad
  20. yeah but what can you do