Updated Hitter List After pwar started for 22hrs , all applicants must meet a MIN of 13.2b IN PLUNDER , Strictly NO dn/ec REGENS Allowed 81 Confirmed hitters applicants ---v_lightning_sky--- Wandering-_-Ignota-HellzHottie Aphrodite-MilksHerCowBoy-Ares -Yak-Jiu-Leaky-Lani- Lady_bluescarletrose -_-Ice_angel-_- -NeverFearDeathOrDying_Austin- -spartacus- -cabl3- g11 Lexiliciousi -laffin-whileyourmakingme-cry- Carhop180 -secret_sn0wluvd0n- RS_BeloTheGreat len7csm Ivivi -bcs-leoshiziyu- mf-ninja-a51-vigilante-z0mbi3- JF-Almighty-Noe- Resurrection-_-Poseidon Dani_gold Wandering_LouisDrinkKopi -_EeveePeaches_- shin15 -N_A-King_Chris -MiNiOpErA- -BCS-BeautifulRosie VT-RST-HisGoddess_RJ _ragingdemon_ cherrymonster -Myzterious-Clyde lll---X---lll -Ricky_Santana- -t_l-badboy -mitchi- akkushking -D34D7Y_Kalki- -N_A-Jessica yumsthedestroyer _FANCYGIRL_ ★Udd-UddPRINCENungShiba ★Z_madame_z ★-BA-Kay_Swooosay-BA- ★__turk__ ★GOH-AZAZEL-AnGeL-FrOm-HeLL ★VT-Beach_Bunny AUTORAMA -SeCret_Gambit- vt-juicy_tube_steak -QueeB-The_Diamond_Queen RS_iBeautifulBecca PE-TraceAbusesAimee RussianVixen -SIN-SWEET-HONEY xInSaNe1x -AD_MaxPowers_ -t_r-mae -BCS--KuchikiRukiaStillNotNice- i-kammy_aka_kb- i-onlykatinacookiejar- Mr_Universe_Man_Myth_ -UN-TheAwesomeAbi-Joy -N_A-1HotMama- _-Gods_princess-ash-_ ---V_iiiiiVendettaiiiii--- -VvV-T33sha- RS_masterdestroyer- i-MUJIWARA i-Hannahfinella Rayzway -Tpr_OnlySantaCanJudgeMrTazz- -BK-SHIAN_BrightLikeADiamond- Royale Hitter ist: 18pax (To Be advised) ★R--_evilcherry- ★R--smile_beige_R_ ★R--Mr_GodLike--R ★R--onlyprankstercanlurk-_- ★R--BA-QuweenieBee-BA- ★R--teardropsonmyguitar ★R--female_body_inspector-- ★R--III-interitus_pudge-III ★R--H0rr3rKnight- ★R--lady_frisky_bunny ★R--KHALIFASKUSH ★R--heng--R ★R--RM-GoodGuyGoneBad ★R--froto ★R--oyale_baby_trisha ★R--x1 ★R--Princessca--R ★R--super_Awesome_MT
So much for loyalty thanks guys and at how many of those perms are ALWAYS there doing the pwars thanks guys much appreciated P.s. corse I'm upset noone will reply
Ps royale care more about a a stupid record than it's members they let me in 5 times today just drop me after yesterday they let 3 members farm me I was in bad mood what do you expect if I been farm my my own club
Oh oh oh and just realise title says royale pwar only 19 confirmed royales and a few ain't there lol how exactly it help royales as my friend shaddy so wisely pointed out