1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Thanks PimD, I just got to BC for cheap 
  2. This is so sickening & damn unfair to those who worked hard to BC. WTH ATA r u doing? U r cheapening this game. Din u earn enough already frm cats & octopussy? Freakingly bloody idiots.
  3. I've already responded once but I really can't wrap my mind around it. Is your goal to get rid of the long term players? Why not a sale on EC like most games do that ask you to spend real money instead of a sale on dorm mates who long term players already paid full price for? Or even do another cat cafe promo that pays 2x to kick off the next two tiers, so EVERYONE has an opportunity to make money instead of giving a disadvantage to the bigger players by making them spend more for the same thing? Which is basically what you've done. I had 900 bil I had been saving a couple weeks ago, I broke down and ug'd, finished since, and now I find out I could have saved myself hundreds of billions by waiting a couple weeks???
  4. :lol: Giggity Giggity :lol:
  5. I know somebody else already said this, but, angry? Give the game a shit review in the app store. And stop lining their pockets until they start giving a shit about our opinions (ha).
  6. @pimd thanks for the birthday present...my birthday is 8/5
  7. Pimd won't reply to anyone. All they're thinking about is money. Cheaper dorms and mates means people are more willing to spend money to BC as it's for a limited time.

    Unlimited DN's is the same thing. Just want money.

    I have seen many people quit in the last week, and they are just driving away their loyal players who have played over 12 months.
  8. this is absurd, you're going to make a lot of people who workEd really hard to rEbc pissed off
  9. Let me get this straight pops up promising wars coming, then gives weekend beach parties, one our off of beta wars which we dont get to do til u release them, dn cap limit gone, and now new lvs  how much more  til wars?
  10. John would want to sale his tuts

    For bigger dance shoes
  11. Its not good,the ppl who used real cash n drop tuts to make acc lcbc at high amount of t6 level1,2 whats about them
  12. Disappointed,now lost interest to upgrade more 
  13. *cry cry cry.. It is really not fair..
  14. If anyone wants ss of Jax dancing pm me.Stop whining about people dancing when you dance yourself!
  15. Pimd, why are you ignoring us?

    Were know you can see this.
  16. When will you be sending T6 lvl2 players there refund for 1.1t for over paying ? If you can pay cash I'd prefer over a cheque.
  17. ?? no none wants to congratulate me on bc ?
  18. Yeah its unfair ata..
  19. Ravey i already did
  20. Yes, for sale. Which means you have to PAY for them. No stealing.
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