1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Like this, you should be pWar cow first with intell built and join alot pwar. You will get like 50k fight lose and 5k dance lose. Then, join b2b cc club... Change name. Now you called as warrior! :D
  2. i agree with the person suggested 1 star in app store already did it and did it on alts that i made just to give 1 star :p
  3. Of course you are barbie youre a bc party noob who probably has been here pnly a few months
  4. This is really WOW !!!
  5. Tbh I just think this game has gotten way out of control. I have been playing over 2yrs and I have a couple accounts ( yes this is a alt ) and a couple clubs ( no rp or cc ones ) and bc of all these changes this game sucks. ATA u really need to bring back all school gaming and get rid of all these cc and rp clubs let ppl do as they wish in a "normal" club and not focus on stupid things. Also mix it up clubs do some type of wars ( friendly club wars, pwars ) anything bc so many ppl have no idea wth a "war" is. I love seeing a bc noob bc all they have is they kcs and nothing else I mean get some level 5 party completions and complete all your jobs. Idk I just look with aggravation to this game as of recent. Also I am one of those fools that worked she butt off and saved over a tril to just fill all dorms on main to lcbc 2days prior to this 1/3 discount so am I even more pissed F yea . 
  6. You can play how you want, you're not forced to do parties. Set up a war or check the upcoming wars thread if you want a war. There are still some pwar clubs around too
  7. *old school. Oops
  8. Yes I am one of them and it is sad my club gets maxed bc many want it. But like I did say yes play as u wish but stop advertising as cc clubs and rp clubs get back to "old school" that crap was not crazy like it is now.
  9. Again, anyone who is arguing "this helps your tuts and friends" angle, they could have done the sale right after they released the next levels helping EVERYONE. Once again, the problem is they are doing this unprecedented sale on dorm mates at a time when a bunch of us aren't allowed to participate. We are being specifically excluded from a perk everyone else is getting. How is it fair to punish your strongest players for being successful at the game? That's essentially what they are doing. Everyone gets help, except those of us who helped ourselves. We get diddly squat.
  10. Less cats coming out of fake art is hurting chances of upgrading
  11. I totally agree Hayley. ATA give us money back like u have done in the past and bc of all this stress give us hard working members something worth our time being spent here and stop ignoring all of our comments!!!!
  12. You will forever make money on this gane for as long as u play it. Dont need a refund
  13. When u spend real money to buy cats, bikinis , octopussy and bump members and then ATA pulls a stupid stunt like this and I upgraded 2days prior with spending over a tril tbh I would have waited to save money and help others more. So plzz I think a little compensation would be nice.
  14. If u want old school, do it. You don't have to rp or cc. You don't need to do parties, it's all a choice. There's more than one way to play.
  15. Yeah? You make it sound like u wouldnt of spent a dollar on this game the several months that have been here since lv came out. Which u did…
  16. Look u 2 guys above are out ruled haven't u noticed that yet 
  17. Out ruled by who? Devs won not you lol
  18. Luis have u been reading all the other 50 plus pages like  plus ask the "old school"members all would agree with me that CC and RP clubs are destroying this game. No matter how hard I keep my clubs the way they are ( old school ) there continues to be new ones that come up as CC or RP and many of those players have no idea wat " old school " playing is so there is a drop in challenge. I will say I looked at the club ur in ATM and it looks " old school" and I respect that Ty
  19. So who is going to buy my tutor again? That's what this argument is about.
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