1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. I've got bored and stopped playing. I mean still here so don't think about farming. But yeah, I keep in touch with pals etc and help with my club. But I don't care about stats.

    ATA got greedy. All about throwing money in and cats. I enjoyed the old clubs, family style groups, wars, real clans etc. It's too transient now. People chasing the almighty dollar.

    I met my real life gf here, two years on she's done uni in the UK and we have a flat together in central London. Nowadays as personal as people get is a bit of 'rp'.

    I got what I want from this game. But still, the old days were fun. This is all a bit nothing now (no offence). I ever miss what Muintir Alainn and Noble Aristocrats were.

    I'm glad our club haven't sold our our values and morals. We still try to have a family vibe and have some genuine awesome people join us. But ATA's greed and people chasing cats has exposed some people for the douches that they really are. Roll back 24 months and I might end up being a real player again. Otherwise I'll just kinda nonchalantly exist. Hopefully the real of the 'real players' drift away, too.

  2. *even


  3. If I really say what I think about these whiners I'd get banned its simple if u don't like what ata is doing simply delete the app and move on there doing there best but the raging and whining aren't helping matters.were all not gonna get what we want you just need to accept that fact (After all its just a game)
  4. ....whatever.

    How many dollars have you wasted on this stupid game?
  5. Just another of ATAs sheep, eh.
  6. If I really say what I think of people who don't have the ability to step outside themselves and look at things from another persons perspective I'd get banned too. ATA go ahead and give everyone who bc'd before yestetday a free tril, the smaller players have made their opinion clear on here, they'll be happy for us that you're helping us, they don't need it all to be about them like we do. 
  7. see here's the thing players with an understanding of game mechanics will understand.

    This helps your tuts grow faster. In turn, strengenthening(is that a word?) you faster and/or making you money faster if you sell them after they upgrade.


    Why are you mad?

    You got a present too
  8. Strengthening***

    I did it!
  9. You all can do something.. Go to app store or go to play store and leave a negative 1-star review .. Enough ppl here are fed up, if everyone upset left a 1-star review their rating falls and Ata may listen
  10. Simple if you don't like what ATA is doing you say just leave? Why would they just leave people have the right to free speech and if something they don't like then put over your concerns.
    Correct it's a game but some people like to spend plenty time on here and have every right to moan if they feel justified.
  11. I bc'd then 2 weeks later they came out with lv2 but you don't see me in here whining about it and I'm still not bc its called be more active save up and upgrade when you can ata is not gonna sit and wait and do things on your terms.bringing out new things give ppl a goal to reach on here and keep things interesting can't just sit here with the same ole bc stats forever.I've been playing for over 3yrs and I've never seen pimd this bad in forums and overall its like dealing with children I feel bad for ata at this point you guys sit and give them no respect and expect for them to give a damn....uhhh no its like trying to please a bunch of 2 year olds and I thought thought this was a 16+ game_
  12. Wow cheaper dorm mates?

    Still not gonna ug
  13. Its 17+ noob 
  14. Shush tweak I'll farm you with my noob stats
  15. farm me lah
  16. Watch for my pranks la be amazed 
  17. I will
  18. 1/20/7p tweak 
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