1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Lol haters gonna hate it
  2. And to all the long time players that paid full price for their upgrades? Oh well, right. What a joke. This is the reason older players are leaving this game at an alarming rate.
  3. Just bring out T10 already
  4. Just release t7 already, why bother with lvl 3 n 4?
  5. Damn, old players wanna leave ?
    Fine ! Leave ! 
    Do I look like I give a little paper sheet about the fact they want to leave or not ? ?

    Seriously, it's their choice, I don't care about old players 

    Btw, I'm "old player" myself as I started this game 2011 and had 3 different accounts with 2 resets 
  6. ^ Nobody cares either.
  7. See ? That's good 
  8. Wow 

    Looks like they will give a lot of ***** to your message bro 
    If ATA never listened you, they won't this time too 
  9. 46 pages of mostly negative feedback. It's really easy to call us whiners and jealous when you're the one benefitting from something that only hurts those who have put more time/energy/money into the game than the rest of you. And it really doesn't matter how long you've been playing, whether someone is a ccbc or has been playing years to get their stats, whether they've grown in grueling slowness or paid for their stats, if they bc'd and you haven't they've done SOMETHING to make that happen that you aren't willing to. Why reward all of your players EXCEPT those who put the most into the game?
  10. Seriously ata u guys crapping too much  .. REFUND MEEEE ND ALL THOSE WHO SPEND DAYS NIGHTS TO UG .. Theres no freedom left in this game nowdays or i wud fill entire pages with curse nd swear words u apes
  11. w/e increase the cat drops and give us a 2x promo thanks! 
  12. What am I forgetting to do then Haylee? :lol:
  13. Refund us all that paid full price to bc??You really thought we wasnt going to be upset about this?
  14. ^ This isn't about you BC's. It's for smaller players. The whole goddamn world doesn't revolve around you.
  15. Knew this was coming it's just my luck. When I lvl 1 bc they released lvl 2, 2 weeks later. Now that I already lvl 2 bc last week. They are discounting plus adding lvl 3 and 4... gah
  16. I have no idea what you specifically aren't doing, but if you had put the same time/money/effort into the game as those who have bc'd you'd have the same stats as them. I don't care about how you play or how fast you grow. If you don't want to play as often or you don't want to party or whatever else that's totally your choice, but again, why are the players who do less getting rewarded while those who have done more are getting nothing? No one has suggested that bigger players should get something that smaller players don't. All we're asking is that if ata is handing out discounts they make it so everyone can benefit instead of making it so smaller players benefit and bigger players get nothing. Would all you smaller players have been happy if they made a thread saying "hey, the next two tiers are coming out so we're giving all BC players 600 bil to give them a head start, thanks for being such loyal dedicated players, good luck to everyone else!"? My guess is no, you wouldn't be happy. Because that wouldn't have been fair either. It's not fair to give some players help and alienate others. They could have done the sale right after they released the new levels. They could have done a cat cafe promo, either upping the drop rates or upping the pay for a weekend. They could have given each player 1 cat. They could have done a sale on ec's. There are plenty of things they could have done to help everyone, they chose instead to do something that a bunch of us can't benefit from at all, when most others can. If you can't understand why that would bother people you either lack empathy or logic.
  17. ATA seemed DESPERATE! Is there something wrong? I smell a RAT.
  18. Awesome??
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