1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. this is to help small players get closer to reaching new levels. This was not for already bc players.

    This is like a huge middle finger for all your complaining because you are the old players who are going to quit because ata never does anything for you lmfao
  2. K well people that don't party didn't have a fair chance to benefit from promos as well. To remedy this I suggest, anyone unhappy and feeling the urge to quit just dv me their cash. I'll gladly accept.

    You'll feel better

    I'll feel better

    Everybody wins!

    Yay capitalism!
  3. Unagad0ri partying or not is a choice, you can't chose to bc again without losing money lol
  4. Did I mention I was gonna quit over this? Guess not.
    Think you have a middle finger floating in front of your eyes all the time
  5. Anyone benefiting from this sale wont even be bc in a few days. And they'll either have to magically come up with enough cash to bc with tut trading currently at a stand still, or be in b2b cc clubs and not sleep. I don't see why all the anger. This benefits like 2% of the population. Just let em have it
  6. Think of players like Vice, and iEx

    It's a good thing. Let people catch up to their parting peers
  7. We aren't begrudging anyone, heck I bc'd today because of the sales, what Im saying is that the sale could have waited till lvl 3
  8. Not all are technically 1/3 off some are 1/2
  9. I don't think its right to drop prices. I paid full price to bc lv2. Ata your getting way too greedy with all this.
  10. Ya should also lower the prices for cat
  11. But, I don't even have any T6 yet and there is a player who put in some T6 roommates yesterday... If that person choose to hold up his/her upgrades first..
  12. Greedy ATA
  13. PRO party x3 pls .
  14. Y are u ignoring us pimd. Refund those that spent. This is total crap and you know it
  15. It's like 12am where ATA is located so don't expect a response no time soon...
  16. Currently 11:05pm where ATA is. But still.
  17. I concur, PRO PARTY 3X PLEASE!!
  18. I would love to send ata a bill for the difference on what I spent to rebc multiple accounts! Seriously stop being so greedy ata!
  19. Seriously not impressed!!
    it's taken a while to get t6 level 2s in. I'm 2 upgrades away from completing. why would I want help now??? I don't ;(

    Why not be fair to all? what about ones that completed t6 lvl 2? Or ones super close?

    I dont see the point in 1/3 off for ones that require help. We all required help but didn't get it!!

    bad decision/choice.... did u guys not think of existing/long term players?
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