1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Lol when ata does cc pro 5x thats when you know they are shuttin down lmao
  2. Support refund for everyone that spent 52bil to upgrade level 2??
  3. Lol buncha whiney bitch es
  4. ?Your just happy your ass has it easier to bc?
  5. All cuz they're doing things like this doesnt mean they are doing bad business wise
  6. Every company needs more money so this is their way of making money. Very smart marketing technique I applaud you for that but also a lot of the noobs will use all of their money to ug immensely instead of working hard for it like everybody else has over the years. I like the new dorm mates but not the cut price. It makes it too easy for new players. We didn't get that when I had my account in 2010. Smh.
  7. Are you serious!?!?! What the fuck ata!!! You don't play the game. So you have no idea how hard it was to rank up. Your worthless.
  8. It's unfair for the people who've just recently upgraded their level 1's to level 2's. I suggest you give a refund of the 33.33% to people who've atleast upgraded in the past week. I remember this happened a couple of years ago when you'll had given a refund on the number of dorm mates bought/upgraded recently in the wake of such an offer. It'd make this easier to appreciate. As of now it seems like you just want everyone to become lcbc's without even trying. I've been playing since almost 3 years now and trust me as hard as it used to be , you'll are making this game as easy as candy crush. No challenge means no fun. Think about it️
  9. So let me get this straight you complain when ata favors the rich but when they try to help out people by making things cheaper for a few days complaints happen then too I personally like that they are helping them out a I rather not see a wide Stat gap when t6lvl 4 is released but that's just my own opinion
  10. The rich have become rich by playing the game.Or by buying creds and dn.So do either and become rich, no one is complaining.
  11. I'm tired of upgrading…

    I'm quitting. Strip me so i upgrade for the last time :cry:
  12. If they refund this then they should refund when they reduced the prices for opening dorms!!!

    Otherwise they should NOT refund this...
  13. ★★★Please feel free to give me all your cash before you quit. I promise not to waste it on zolt colas and lollipops. I am 100% committed to growing this time I promise!!★★★
  14. Seriously... 
  15. Its not about helping out the rich or the poor, its about giving everyone the opportunity to benefit from any specials or events. Those that were already bc couldn't benefit from this at all.
  16. Yeah seriously.

    Change invoked rage quitting.

    I need the cash.

    This is capitalism!
  17. Spot on Raven. Give everyone an equal chance or none at all
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