1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. It's unfair for those who already bc. Time and efforts we spent to make our goals before this. Also, We all know how much time and RL money we spent here. Almost 24/7 playing time and burning our ec to get to this point. 'Cool'. U made 'best' move to chase away ur old players. I can endure all craps happening here but seriously I'm disappointed to this and time to quit  sucks party drops too  Wishing u to get more business with all these strategy.
  2. Thanks for doing this but in my opinion if PIMD really wanna help the smaller acc, u guys should be generous in cat drop as well, because the only way to climb up higher is by going to b2b cat club and most smaller acc really could not do that.
  3. I just rebc'd like 3 days ago. Seriously. ?
  4. Why don't they comment on the negative things people say? Shouldn't they ease our minds and get their hands out our pockets?
  5. I don't get it! Someone explain please? :)
  6. @ Duckyfluff, they don't care to ease our minds. We are neither noob nor perv, at least speaking for myself.

    Maybe if you change your name to something more pervy and acted like a noob, you know gimme gimme gimme, they might answer. Otherwise they are hiding as per usual. They love to be stupid then cut and run.
  7. Pimd read it  wrong move
  8. Same here. I've played less and less and nowadays only around for friends (thus meaning no $ in for you ATA- no, not like
    It used to be).
    I was willing to throw out the mere dollar here and there for club benefit on dn and whatnot, bc it was a game, and loads of proper gamers spend wayyyy more (is what I told myself to justify my spending actions ).
    But this isn't a challenge anymore... This is a charity shop. Nothin worth even trying for if noobs are just gonna up and pass your 2 years of effort on a few promos and constant cat cafés.
    I quit doing the lame promos bc it was too stressful and caused too much club turmoil with all leaving for cat café clubs (bc everybody knows, that's where ATA's true gives a shits lies in, CC is always where most drops and money are) and it was only these random temp "quick-easy-fast money" ever reaping any sort of benefit. And freakin lucky to any admins/owners of such clubs that just got reap off of the buys of other players.

    Maybe ATA's statistics on revenue are off... But most of my friends back in the day and currently, have stopped or seriously diminished their PIMD activity since these greedy little changes. And since, I've only seen equally greedy hungry noobs ditching clubs for first sight of cat cafè clubs and others, who put in far less effort, just zoom their way to lcbc.

    I used to play PIMD for a challenge and proper, equal competition. And also to meet different people and partake in the same game-like activities.

    This game isn't a challenge anymore, it's not a game really. It's just a joke.
  9. Pimd likes responding to the "positive comments" to make themselves feel better and not give a shit about us. this is stupid and the most idiotic thing pimd has done. Take back ur stupid cc party while ur at it
  10. Why is everyone complaining? This is reality. Things go on sale. You just happen to buy your item before thanksgiving while other waited till black friday. Suck it up. Move on.
  11. Irl if something goes on sale not long after purchase stores do price matching and give you the difference. Your arguement is invalid.
  12. It's a game! Ppl quit and new Ppl start playing! Ata has to make money or the game will turn into gaw! if you don't like where the game is headed just quit, cause crying and complaining isn't doing any good!
  13. Pimd has no longer got a development team to answer it's customers - just a fat bald bloke collecting all the ec's people spend on a game where the most loyal customers get on.
  14. The problem is ATA is forcing the actual game playing giving a shit players to quit, in order to let in any sort of noob willing to pay 'their' price for top stats. It really isn't right. Unless you've been playing as long as most well earned lcbc players at this point, you wouldn't get it.
  15. I guess don't need to launch new wars anymore can't find a point to launch. Newbies will just learn to throw their rl money/dv here and learn nothing about farming
  16. ️wow ata u cut my words? 
  17. :| :( :cry:
  18. I guess don't need to launch new wars anymore can't find a point to launch. Newbies will just learn to throw their rl money/dv here and learn nothing about farming
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