1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Wow! This is it.... Thanks PIMD
  2. I've been here for a long time.

    I'm not bc because I don't party.


    I standby my Thanks Pimd
  3. Recently pimd had a thread asking players for suggestions on how to improve the game. I read all of that thread. There were several excellent ideas included within its pages, but i dont recall players asking for the difficulty to be removed, even if it is just for a short time.

    Lets not all forget that while many were suggesting awesome ideas, pimd came out andasked about couples being incorporated into the game.

    They dont listen. I know ata is profit driven, it has to be... but at some point they need to open their eyes and realize they need to listen to their players, their fan base, even if not all of us drop real life money in the game.
  4. People are getting more angry than the fight for the last 60" TV on Black Friday!
  5. ATA your screwing all your loyal players who have stuck with the game from the start.i would ask all the cat buyers/EC buyers/DN buyers/EC gift buyers to suspend from putting any real money into this game till we have our voices heard.The game seems to be heading towards EC buying for everything and I'd like to know what's to stop you shutting this game down in a couple weeks as to me this is a fire sale.
  6. ?i dont think there should be a discount?I paid full price to bc not fair at all to everyone thats bc already?Really ata if thats the case we should get some money back for all the money we spent to bc?
  7. Yeah 0 meaning useless game or never reach 1 star!!! Better meet real people guys work for your future make real cash money than spending time to this crazy game. Coz no matter how we whined ATA is closed ears to this already!!!!
  8. Fuck you are you fucking serious?! You're making the game shit
  9. Which means if I was a betting man... Oh wait I am that t6 lvl.3 will follow soon
  10. Oops sorry halbee
  11. And I prayed so hard to the PIMD gods that I not ever have to time my farm again... Then CCBC happened and freebie promos ?. And I ask WHY, PIMD gods, WHY?! What I would give to have clubs and wars and parties back to how they were and just deal with timing my stupid farm .
  12. Cyric, I couldn't agree more. I've never encountered a business that listens to its customer base less than ATA while simultaneously asking for feedback the entire time...

    Devs ask for feedback on how to improve the game and then completely disappear from the thread. They are all but unreachable. I'm starting to think they know the game is about to go down and are trying to get as much as they can before they pull the plug.

    Oh, and ATA. I used to think of the devs as being in some hip computer company, brainstorming all these great ideas about how to improve this once cool game. But I'd bet the reality is something closer to some 16 year old computer whiz programming the game in his parents basement between stealing looks in his dad's dirty magazines... Just my impression lately
  13. Haha ATA begging for money
  14. ATA STOP THIS!!!!
  15. Hey pimd, here's an idea… instead of continuing to screw up the game and make it easier for noobs… how bout you spend time working on those updates we have been promised for so long? How about you fix the problems that already exist? Where are those new war systems the warriors have been promised? Where is the update for ios so they can mass spam and see who is partying? Where is the update for droid so ppl can see their profiles w/o pimd forcw closing and so ppl can see drops? Oh I understand pimd, you like to stick it to your long time players, after all who doesn't want to see the noobs treated like infants in daycare? Well beside those of us that you ignore even tho we have been here. Thru all you stupid ideas, thru all the glitches and crashes.
    I get it pimd… it's all about the money. But did you for one second stop. Never mind you showed us the answer on the ideas thread, when you ignored amazing suggestions to make rpers happy. You don't care what ppl think, unless its the pervs.
  16. What's gonna be the price of a T6 LVL 3,and LVL 4.? Since price cuts are going out,older players should also have discounts to be fair about it
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