1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. No love for the game right now. Sucks.
  2.  Peeta, still sucking up to ATA. Do they pay you?
  3. Agreed with tweak 
  4. If it's gonna be like this i support zibby's purge idea
  5. Please tell me this is a joke ?
  6. Congrats to the new lcbcs u didnt earn it but shi.t u sure as hell were handed it congrats
  7. Ata dont give a fuck about ratings and shit they just want money lol
  8. What is it again..?
  9. SPBC!

    Sale price BC! I will rock that title and let you call me dvbc noob. All you gotta do is dv me :lol:
  10. Kim I just bc'd, you think I was handed it??
  11. no tweak they to busy thinking up get rich quick schemes. They dont have time to actually work on a war system or ideas we old players might actually enjoy!
  12. Sucking up on this thread? Nah bruh. All I said was for people to be mindful to their friends and stuff and how this helps me. But id accept that I was sucking up if I did say "OMG LOVE YOU PIMD BEST IDEA EVA" :?
  13. Yeah they not making enough to compete with other corps. This rate somebody higher up could probably buy them out and shut down their games if they wanted…
  14. Can you just save me the trouble of tapping buttons and BC my account for me?
  15. idk how eith all these dn b2b cc parties. Yea im in one but damn btw that n the unlimited dns and octopussy u telling me they still somehow financially hurting?
  16. That usually the mentality of this generation. getting things easy instead of working for it like others. im not saying most of us are like that but some ppl are. Congrats that u can lcbc now but no im not happy for u or proud of u or anything like that. cause u didnt work as hard as others so saying i have to be happy for my friends no fu.ck that. my opinion though lol
  17. lol tweak at this point I'm thinking maybe someone should  might get better even
  18. So ummm.......did anyone bc yet?
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