1/3 off Dormmates until Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. This. Is. Garbage.
  2. You said you have been playing at least four years. Nearly was no where in that sentence. So with what you said that means you have been playing for 4 years or more. All I did was correct you and say the game isn't that old. No need for you to get all pissy
  3. bs bs bs bs bs stupid idea
  4. I won't be pissy. Give me dv to bc. K thanks bye.
  5. 4s iPhones are a dollar demand your money back cause you payed more
  6. what rainz said ⇧⇧⇧
  7. You can within a certain time period punisher...smh
  8. No one will ever bc again 
  9. would delete this but I have friends I've been staying for 
  10. ★
    Thank you PimD
    We love you 
  11. atleast give us x2 cafe for 1day or x1 or x1.5 or x.5 jeez u greedy ppl
  12. Yeah cause thats what we need more free money for noobs
  13. Anyone bc'd yet?
  14. This is because CoC is making a crap load more then PimD or Kaw lol

    App store CoC is top grossing app pimd is in the hundreds 
  15. I don't sew why people are mad, just because it doesn't benefit you doesn't mean it can't help out your friends, bfs, gfs, club mates and Tuts and it's great if it helps your tuts lol Thanks Pimd, this will help out loads :D
  16. Re: 1/3 o

    You really have to be joking or just plain business stupid. Unreal
  17. everyone had work hard to lcbc before but now in a blink of an eye u can lcbc , wow devs how about the hard work of old lcbc!
  18. Ata i see why u trying to get money now in the top grossing section u are #248 in the playstore meaning 247 games are making more then yall on this one while kaw is like #150. I get that that u want to increase your ratings but can u atleast make it where the game is more fun? 
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