
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iTX, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Prololololol
  2. I thought this was another hate thread then..
  3. Bump?? Bump!!! I dont care if it is pontless or not :p
  4. 
  5. I log on and this is the first thing I see
  6. 
  7. Who else agress with me?
  8. ._. Don't be a halfwit on my thread.
  9. I was such a pleb back then.

    Oh wait, Still am.
  10. What happened to Ethan anyway. I don't remember quit or nah.
  11. Damn, this is an old thread lel
  12. All my old threads were like this, I was a strange human.
  13. Oh you're op? Nice  it's k. Strange humans are the best humans.
  14. ? I remember this thread  I rarely posted back then