EVENT ?🧠 Quiz You Were Here 🧠?

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Nov 25, 2021.

  1. I guess an “ok” hunt
  2. Honestly, I think the avis look great, and that’s all I care about.
    **especially the Asian male avis, they sexy**
  3. It’s alright. I guess
  4. Ata said "we used all our good ideas on black friday".
  5. Simple at least we can rest ahaha
  6. Eh not a fan tbh
  7. Back to trash
    Vespid likes this.
  8. Love the Misc!! And the Main Story Ava is gorgeous!! 🖤
  9. Eh I'll pass
  10. Not sure how to feel about this one tbh. It's not bad...but it doesn't really capture my attention. Like I'm not going to go out of my way to put a lot of effort into getting any of it, but if I manage to get some then it's okay.
  11. Okay now give us real trivia 🙄 Mods be slacking
  12. Um idk.. 🤧
  13. The avatars don’t come back, so get it anyways. You party a few times a day and it should be quite easy to get both
  14. Who let ATA name the hunt Quiz You Were Here instead of Wish You Were Beer 🤧
  15. I like the female avis💕
  16. Main hunt avis are cute 🥺
    nixi3 likes this.
  17. Eh the dorms are nice some avis are cute