STORY PASS 🧚 My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. I sincerely hope you realize what a bad trajectory ATA is on. I started playing this game 13 years ago, and I've never seen the community come together in collective outrage like this.

    Think about what you're doing when you bring old content back: you're cheapening it. Why would I drop money and grind hard to get anything on the first round if I know it'll come back around, and be cheaper and easier the second time? Look at what Wizards of the Coast wrought upon themselves by cheapening collectibles with reruns.

    Whichever executives are making these awful choices are jeopardizing the entire business model. ATA did the worst possible thing: you broke the illusion of fun for the sake of money, and now everyone is extremely conscious that you're a greedy company, not a community-maker.

    You owe this community an apology for the Halloween fiasco, for this SP, and for the BS "months of work" line. The Halloween event was pure greed, and this SP took 15 minutes of recoloring. I was going to ball out for Black Friday, but you can trust that you won't see a penny from me for a very long time. I hope the boycott hurts the bottom line enough for you to give your heads a shake.
  2. Thank you so much for communicating. There's been a lot of things we are upset about this hunt and knowing you hear it at least tells us we're not just shouting into the abyss.

    I 100% believe that rewind content should be included on the survey or even in fourm posts. This will both tell your player base to expect some old content coming up and help make it content that all your players would be excited to see.

    Just don't form it like the candy event where some rewind content is cheap, some is extravagantly expensive and its all bundled in a way to seem achievable for all players.

    The PIMD store rewind reward box is an excellent way to bring old content back for example. There's no question there that it's paying players who this content is available to.

    Your rewind avatars for ec discounts last Halloween season was also well set up.
    Mythical, bean_ie, Victoria and 8 others like this.
  3. I have many opinions, imagine that. But they have mostly been said. I just want to say thank you to iMoan for being a voice of reason. Getting a resolution is so much better than writing an essay.
  4. This totally sucks
    Mythical, Placebo and Drinkblood like this.
  5. It would of been nice if you would of given us several different passes to choose from and dropped the price then most of the new players would get a chance at past avis redone or recoloed and old players would at least not feel screws over
    Mythical, bean_ie and CapedClown like this.
  6. You gotta be kidding me...
  7. Anddddd it only can be completed once, if you chose wrong avi, you're done
  8. I had over a handful of things that I was going to say most of it has already been said by other players who I 100% agree with. I can say a whole lot more about things that needs to change or take effect. I haven't seen this much outrage from the community/players in for a while. We should have been heard a while back ago before this outrage has even started. I hope ata redo all their wrongs against their loyal players. And make things right. But I don't really know only time can and will tell
  9. If you want to give the "new players" a change to old hunt stuff just making avis tradable at this point. Takes less effort I'm sure. But since that won't cost ec it won't happenπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ keep blaming your players for your mess up ata
  10. I personally still am and will be against rewinding content, especially with no communication or understanding about what content might make a come back at a later time. I guess that adds another layer of "luck" to the game.

    For many years, the content was understood to be available for a limited time only. Rereleases have cheapened the product, and it hurts to know that an avatar or story pass that you put money down for and worked hard to complete- ultimately could have waited for a future date to be obtained.

    Atp, I've stopped putting in nearly as much effort to obtain shard avas, since I know they are likely to come back around at some point anyway. I understand new players want older content, and I can understand a business model that allows for some content to consistently be brought back.

    I believe the community deserves to know what is truly limited time content and what is fair game for a potential return.
    Dolcezza, Mythical, Joe201 and 7 others like this.
  11. Recycling avatars need to stop. This was a big issue with the halloween event as well. I already had all of the avatars I wanted from previous hunts and I couldn’t get the new ones without spending days glued to my phone. Im so tired of the lack of content and my old avatars being devalued. There is no point in spending money anymore. I will not be renewing my gold subscription until the content is new and attainable.
    bloodhoney, Mythical, bean_ie and 9 others like this.


    If you have it plz wall me at @kamal182
  13. i just finished my first round, got asked if i wanna restart, so we will get all avis (except you hit 'no')
    Mythical likes this.
  14. Buying Story pass, wmo
  15. Anyone selling story pass, I am buying pls WMO
  16. Not a huge fan of the recoloring, but it is cool being able to accomplish more than I was able to before.
    CapedClown likes this.
  17. So, you can get the rewards twice?
    Mythical likes this.
  18. I've just comeback from a looking break and honestly..... I get why I went on a break when looking at the past couple hunts and events like... is this a joke or???? Like if you're gonna recycle a story pass at least make it one people want again like the one where you collected a tarot deck to use in CC and PMs you know?? Not some random one that no one's heard of or liked to begin with
    StrawberryCeCe and Mythical like this.
  19. That was meant to say a really long break 🀣🀣🀣
    Mythical likes this.
  20. I did not know there was a spending boycott prior to reading this thread, some ppl in cc were talking about it, it was good to know before bf