STORY PASS šŸ§š My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded šŸ§š

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. i like when we get country inspired hunts, the game can feel very america-centric (which i totally get! itā€™s understandable for a game that i assume has itā€™s biggest player-base in america) so itā€™s fun to get hunts that are very specific to other countries and show off different cultures, iā€™d personally like to see a scotland themed hunt but thereā€™s so many options there.

    iā€™d also really like to see more historical themed hunts! ik itā€™s too soon now but with the new gladiator film coming out there couldā€™ve been an ancient rome themed hunt (i know thereā€™s been one in the past so itā€™d somewhat be a repeat but it was over 4 years ago now that i feel itā€™d be okay? idk) or a historical hunt not even tied into any pop culture things atm, i was a big ancient egypt nerd when i was a kid so thatā€™d be interesting to see or even something like a 70s themed hunt!

    i have a soft spot for the music themed hunts we get occasionally and as a musicals fan, itā€™d be really cool to see more musical inspired hunts, i think someone else pointed out that a wicked story pass wouldā€™ve been cool (which i do agree with!) i also think itā€™d be fun to just get a wicked themed hunt in general and then that could just be tied in with a wizard of oz thing too if needed. iā€™m kinda sad we didnt get a beetlejuice hunt with the new film having come out recently and it being halloween, itā€™d be sweet to see one someday and maybe even have a few nods to the musical included. hairspray would also be a fun musical to see a hunt for! especially being a musical set in the 60s so thereā€™d be some fun fashion to play with there.

    another cool idea could be artist inspired hunts! or not even just one specific artist for the hunt and instead a mix like van gogh, dali, monet, picasso etc and having misc be nods to things in their pieces like a melting clock or just artistā€™s tools like easels, brushes, sketchbooks yada yada. it could even just be museum themed in general and only a couple avis could be artist inspired and then you could have misc inspired by so many different time periods (a natural history museum hunt could be really fun! or a museum of modern art one!)

    iā€™m gonna stop with the ideas now (and i apologise to anyone who reads all this and is downright tired of the word fun now) and just say that iā€™m sure ata employees are probably tired of us ā€œtelling them how to do their jobā€ or thinking we have better ideas than them but we are also tired. weā€™re tired of the blatant reuse of hunt ideas that weā€™ve had over and over again and to build hype for a story pass that is just a recolour of an old story pass is plain insulting. iā€™m not doubting the work it takes and maybe thereā€™s factors involved that we donā€™t know about that are to blame (although iā€™m sure userā€™s spending despite all of this is a big factor) but itā€™s beginning to feel like a slap in the face as someone who has tried to give ata the benefit of the doubt through all this. honestly, this time it doesnā€™t even feel like a slap in the face, it just feels like being laughed at.
  2. Idk. English is not my language. It's not even the second one. I used a translator šŸ˜… not my fault. Btw, the meaning of the sentence was pretty obvious: I wrote that I had already said that this SP had not been liked even the first time it came out and, if there was a need to re-propose an SP, they could choose another one. The person who replied to me, saying that it wasn't true that I had said it,
    and reposted all the messages from those who said they had bought the SP before seeing which one it was, so I asked him why, having posted all those messages he had purposely decided not to see mine. I even wrote to him where he could find it. (Page 11).
    Replying to your question, appeareantly, that word is the translation of "deliberatamente" in my language (and that means that someone does - or, as in this case, doesn't do- something on purpose).
    Btw... It worries me that people think that expressing their opinion, saying that a dissent can also be expressed in a polite way, it's "weird" or "friggen useless essays". šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
    Nightsky_ likes this.

  3. I genuinely feel like you need to stop talking.
    You lack tact and granted your pushback is going to be ā€œ I have the freedom of speech just like you doā€ blah blah, you genuinely just need to learn some tact and shut up.
    bean_ie, Mythical, Adalia and 10 others like this.
  4. She will not. You can tell because she has been posting essays upon essays and dying to get at least one person to answer it. Unfortunately Placebo fell into the bait LOL, and after that did you see how she has been eager to answer every single post about her? Itā€™s best to just literally ignore.
  5. i am asking y'all to please bring back the old avatar bags. there's no excuse why y'all can't.
    bean_ie, Mythical, Adalia and 11 others like this.
  6. Hello everyone! Thank you all for your valuable feedback. The ATA team has been actively discussing the response to this content release since launch, and we want to make sure to touch base with you all and let you know you are being heard. In this post we hope to address your concerns and provide some reassurance about how we will move forward with re-running content based on your feedback.

    We hear that a lot of you feel frustrated and upset about a story pass re-run, and we're listening. We have never brought a story pass back, and it makes total sense that this would feel surprising and upsetting if you didn't know that was going to happen. We also hear that this wasn't your favorite pass to begin with - fair enough!

    We'd like to reassure you that we are still developing new story passes. To clarify, we also want to contextualize the development cost of story passes. Story passes take months of work to develop, write, test, and launch, and once they are done, they are done. Many players have joined PIMD since we first launched My Fairy (dorm)Mother who have never gotten a chance to experience this content. We wanted to experiment with re-running a pass to see if there was an appetite among our newer players for this type of older content, while making sure the time and effort we invest in this content has the biggest impact possible. The more people play our passes, the more resources we'll be able to invest in them! At the same time, we wanted to make sure that players playing the pass a second time would be able to be uniquely rewarded, so chose to create recolored avatars instead.

    For those of you who expressed concern about the results of our moodboard surveys being disregarded, let us reassure you that they aren't. As one small example, the past two hunts were chosen based off of the top results of our Halloween moodboard survey, and plenty of upcoming future content uses survey results as well. Making content choices based off of your survey responses is our top priority at every planning meeting.

    We hear that some of you feel frustrated about us bringing back older content, and we appreciate knowing that. While we still feel there is a sustainable way to fulfill the new player appetite for older content, we agree that there are ways to refine this process, and there is more to learn about how to do this correctly. We intend to be more thoughtful and deliberate in how we go about bringing back older content, going forward, and are deep in discussions about how this will look amongst ourselves and players.

    To anyone who purchased this pass at launch, and realized that it would not meet your expectations, please get in touch with our team via a ticket. We will be happy to do a one-time refund of your ECs and remove your story pass.

    Again, thank you to everyone who shared feedback, here or elsewhere! We always want to hear from the playerbase when you feel passionately about something, and we appreciate everyone who took the time to let us know their thoughts about this latest re-release.
    bean_ie, harajuku, Victoria and 25 others like this.
  7. If you genuinely wanted to test people's appetite, you would've gone for a different story pass. There was no particular reason to use My Fairy (Dorm) Mother instead of any other better-selling and older/oldest story pass of yours.
  8. Thanks, River. Personally, I enjoyed the writing for this story. Itā€™s not worth the cost for me to replay, but I enjoyed it the first time. If rereleases were done at a lower price point, I would definitely consider paying. I would definitely consider it at 50% discount since itā€™s fun to reread.
  9. For what?
    I said "I don't like this SP, but I think this it's getting out of hand for everyone because I've seen people write insults and "boycott ATA", but if you go in their accounts you can see VIP SP. šŸ˜… FareBearz said the same about this last point and no one attacked her or had fun of her. What's the problem? If I say that I need a bunch of bully cause I am not on LB? šŸ˜… I have always given arguments in my posts and the only things I got were: "shut up", "you just want to be a mod" or "You're talking nonsense,' but I haven't found a single person who can find arguments for these sentences. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Besides, I never allowed myself to disrespect anyone. I just suggested using different tones. Try it, it's free.
  10. Saying this because if "new players" were your concern, you would've gone for your OLDEST story pass. This was not it.

    But thanks for giving the players a chance to refund their story passes. I'm still not convinced that THIS was a result of the surveys though.
  11. I appreciate your response and the fact that ATA is indeed listening to our feedback. Although I do understand that developing SPs isnā€™t the easiest thing and it requires a lot of work/time/money invested into it, thereā€™s also a reason why we only get them a few times a year and taking that into consideration what happened this week wasnā€™t fair at all.

    Some people are not happy with the rerun of older content, but I think majority of the players are ā€” definitely not about this story pass. But what I donā€™t understand is why you have to make decisions regarding the content thatā€™s brought back without consulting us? Iā€™ve seen many people asking you to let us vote on what reruns we would like to see again, including myself. You already do the surveys, why canā€™t you let us also vote on that? I do believe the surveys are being used for something because the hunts got better at least to me.

    But thatā€™s the biggest problems in my opinion, thatā€™s what happened with this story pass, someone somewhere made the decision to bring back this story pass specifically based on whatever criteria that we arenā€™t aware. Was it sales? Was that story pass a popular one sales wise? If so, you couldā€™ve also considered that it was during covid and back then many people were home, bored and of course the sales probably went up. Following the same logic most players were indeed already here for that.

    All we ask is for you to let us be involved in those decisions as a community. That would help your relationship with the community so much. We asked for older content to be brought back, letā€™s us also decide what we would rather spend our resources on.
  12. One of the things you do need to bring back is 3 monthly male avas. Players been asking it for over a year or two now, but i guess you only listen if a forum post gets over 200+ comments, bad reviews on app and cancelling their subscriptions.
    bloodhoney, Bella, Adalia and 24 others like this.
  13. Thank you for this update River & the rest of ATA. It's good knowing that y'all are listening and taking the feedback.
    We are not totally against re-runs of story passes, the consensus feeling is based at this storypass in general. I've seen a lot of people bring up the Hades storypass, which would've worked better during these Halloween themed events.

    I feel like it would be a good idea for ATA to create "Throwback" surveys. Show us avis from previous storypasses, shard box avis, or just avis in general. Let us rate them to give you guys a better understanding of what we would love to see againšŸ–¤ It will help this community engage with y'all more, and turn out more positive feedback/happier communityšŸ„°
    Another idea as well, bring back multiple storypasses at the same time. You guys have done it with shard box avis, which looked like a huge success. More content to reach more of the audience, & some might even be interested in buying all of the storypasses provided.

    We feel communication could be better as well. Had the original post included a small paragraph along the lines of "Re-run storypass test while we work hard create more new content," I think a lot more people would've been more understanding & excited to see what's to come in the futureā˜ŗļø

  14. Let's just not rerun story passes.

    We only get a handful of storypasses a year. Why would it go to waste on something that is already done instead of an original/new idea?

    [Hire the people back that got laid off.]

    IF players want old story passes just allow them to purchase them, like purchasing old avatar shards. However, don't have an old story pass as the only option!
  15. I have no issues with this response & honestly rly appreciate the communication. Except for the part I bolded. I think we can all agree this one did not take months and hella resources to develop and that's a huge reason why no one likes it. This was lazy. I get wanting to rerun things for new audiences but this was NOT the way to do that (+ it feels disingenuous when it's a SP no one cared abt. bffr yall knew that). This could have easily been a secondary story pass or a shorter length story pass.

    Anyone who knows me knows one of the only reasons I stay active is largely due to story passes. Now ima have to wait until a new one comes out and that'll take MONTHS. just super disappointing.
  16. im confused. they said there would be new rewards for the 2024 release but im almost done with the cash version of the sp and all the choices and rewards, aside from the recoloured avatars, have been the exact same as the original pass. have they only changed the rewards for the vip version of the pass? or was that just another lie?

    You can check this 2021 Fairy Dorm Mother storypass tasks and rewards šŸ„² Iā€™ve seen updates compledted until the 19,300 literary laptops and itā€™s the same with the 2021 spšŸ„²
    MayaTheHopeful, verrmaj and Ch like this.

  18. You have probably never touched a woman in your entire life.
  19. Saving my coins because what even is this bs
    MayaTheHopeful and Adalia like this.
  20. This is just sad. The colors from before were so much better