STORY PASS 🧚 My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. I want my ec back this a scam
    Noblesse, bean_ie, Baobao and 31 others like this.
  2. Damn y’all really be doubling down. This is so disgusting.
  3. You guys choose 2024, for the worst Halloween year? I swear to god ✋😂
  4. Here I thought April fools wasn’t til.. yk April
  5. Cut the camera’s
  6. Disappointment after disappointment 🚶🏻‍♀️
  7. 🤨
    _|\_ tell me your out of ideas without telling me.

    y'all better bring back the chinese beads or ima finna quit😭
  8. thank you, next🤧
    Noblesse, bean_ie, Baobao and 19 others like this.
  9. They wanted to be bash🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Noblesse, bean_ie, Baobao and 10 others like this.
  10. Yall are stupid if you keep spending money on devs that obviously don’t care about their players. Is it crack that got y’all acting like this?
  11. Out of all the story passes to recycle, you picked the worst and somehow made it look even worse with these colours 😭 a whole new level! 👏
  12. Its fine with me recycling old avis but an entire storypass. Sorry ata but you are really getting lazy with what you offer your community and its so sad seeing how you care less and less about the Players and only get even more greedy.
    bean_ie, Sayu, Baobao and 57 others like this.
  14. ya'll love disappointing us over and over. recycling an ugly story pass after your nightmare candy bar event is a crazy move.
  15. Are you joking (in red because I’m mad)
  16. yall slacking big time bffr
    bean_ie, LoveTKO, Koemi and 13 others like this.