STORY PASS 🦇🧛‍♀️ Jamie's Friends! 🧛🦇

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATABurgerRP, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. Saw the notification and got on to see what the story pass was.. wish I didn’t. I will say it again, please stop pushing subpar content down our throats and ruining the game with cash only purchases.
    WiIIow, Berri, Fudge and 23 others like this.
  2. Would be worth it if the Avas were better. Or different variety..sadly disappointed by the avas
  3. Hate the fact that ata decides to be even more after money and do the passes for real cash only. Was hoping so much for pass so this wouldn't be so boring but it's even more worse now. Thank you!🙃
  4. Well screw me 😂 because of le corona I ain’t got a job lmao so can’t buy this sh*t.
    The highest avis though are cool as heck, wishing anyone who starts the vip quest finishes on time 🤗🤗🤗
    kaiyota, -bae, AoK-_Joy_-AoK and 2 others like this.
  5. Lol the avas. Hell nah, yall make it look so damn dull and not to mention having to force ppl to specifically spend irl cash for vip? Why not keep it as ec? Smh
    FastForward and Khris like this.
  6. of course, but i also know that there’s other ways to get ec than spending money. there isn’t another way to get stuff from molly’s corner, besides spending money. is there?
    WiIIow, Berri, FastForward and 9 others like this.
  7. Love it but I wish I could buy the VIP passes with the leftover ECs from the $100 EC pack I recently purchased... That being said $8 apiece is a decent price.
    xDevilx, 69, Barbwyre and 8 others like this.
  8. Yay more pay to play
    FastForward, -bae and WestAfricanMan like this.
  9. Something tells me ATA is so obsessed with making money they fail to realise they're destroying their own profit potential.
  10. Yes, but my point was if you’re gonna buy ec you can buy the pass which is already cheaper then a lot of the past story passes.
    90sL0V3 and Barbwyre like this.
  11. I would much rather pay with real cash then pay w bentos lol
    90sL0V3 likes this.
  12. Most of you lot will still buy it so no point bitching, just give them your money and stay silent.🧟‍♂️
  13. 🙄
  14. Story pass, awesome. Not being in the regular store... not so awesome. Yeah, the price isn't high, but a lot of people who want a story pass but can't spend money at that moment could always still get it in different ways (buying from someone with bentos/saving ecs/offer wall/etc). Now that's impossible.

    A lot of people save credits in hope that something cool is going to come out. By shoving more things in Molly's Corner, you prevent these people from getting stuff they'd like to have. No one likes Molly's Corner lol. 😔

    And the avatars could look nicer. To me, they are totally out of the quality standard for Story Passes, when compared to the previous passes. But again, that's just my personal taste.
    Amarilove, DrBearz, Fudge and 15 others like this.
  15. Y’all are complaining about buying the pass with “real money”.......yeah like when you buy dns, ecs, avis, etc. What’s the big deal? No one’s telling you that you have to buy/participate in the story pass. Get over yourselves and stop whining.
  16. I was considering buying the golden pass for the dude avis (because wow, I finally like story pass avis after skipping the last 2 rounds or so)... And then.. I saw it's $11, not $7.99, like it says in the thread.

    I've seen that most of the big spenders are from North America, but eh??? Way to get an European excited and then slap them in the face. 50%-ish of our income goes into taxes, so why the increase?
    I'm legit curious, since we're not really earning that much, in comparison. And yet, the price is ~25-37% steeper here, depending on the country 🤔
  17. Hey, let’s charge people real life money during this pandemic that caused thousands to lose jobs!(ecs can be earned by doing free offers too so don’t come @ me saying “ecs cost money too”)
  18. Me too
  19. If any of y'all do the story pass, let me know what kind of rewards there are. I wasted my money on the last story pass for crap rewards and I refuse to do that again.
    Barbie_Klaus, BamBerry, wyrmb and 2 others like this.