Laughing my ass off at the afternoon tea 499! That's Georgian, not Medieval. But yes to dragons, always.
Who even likes these medieval themes? 😅 I don't think anyone wants these dorms. I guess it's a filler event.
Not a fan….not for Thanksgiving. I mean i get not always wanting to do a “Thanksgiving” theme….but this is just not good lol. I always like SOMETHING about hunts, but no thank you. They could’ve done this after BF. I want an autumn hunt.
Since this is a House of the Dragon hunt, it could have been a PVP hunt as well. Team Black vs Team Green!!!!!! It would be a lot more interesting. But I still love it
PVP hunt could work well with this. We choose which side we’re on. House Black or House Green. Then we can hit those who are in the opposite house to earn points on our side and the winning house gets an XC reward. 😂