LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🥳 Happy 14th Birthday, PIMD 🥳

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. Doesn't it make more sense to open a pizza box with kinis?? Seems a bit greedy to ask for cats in exchange
    NCT127, -Mrs_Mis-, HaBaek and 36 others like this.
  2. Like, what the HECK is the “luck reset” drop? 🥴 nobody asked for that.

    Also, why a cat and not a pizza to open?
    NCT127, HaBaek, kttiemilk and 21 others like this.
  3. DO NOT OPEN THESE!!! Odds of getting ANY avi is slim to none. You’re better off buying them for bentos 💀
  4. Happy Birthday ATA, I shall be reaching the halfway mark this year finally 🥳

    However I will say that the rates for dropping good items should definitely be higher for paying with cats. I opened like 15-20 boxes and got 2 trash pandas and some small furniture. That's over $50 for basically nothing worth anything much. Especially when the female avatar is now going for 200 bentos due to the low quantity and high demand I am genuinely upset over this tbh 🥺
    HaBaek, kttiemilk, Cindyrela and 12 others like this.
  5. I have a couple of things to say, why was it not a kini for kini themed items? Instead its a cat which makes no longer opening the boxes worth it?? 🤔
    -Second, atleast make the "lucky" items be tradeable cause thats just forever gonna sit in showcases.
    -Third, how is it that this just seems like ANOTHER ploy of being money hungry?? 😮‍💨
    -And as per usual the male avi is mid and the female avi is pretty and everything is still overpriced.
    HaBaek, kttiemilk, VALORANT and 17 others like this.
  6. exactly my thought. Happy birthday pimd, please spend all your money on us and be broke a things not worth it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also most people don’t have 15 cats to give for boxes since bf promo wasn’t long ago… they would’ve ask for kinis instead of cats and I’d actually consider it.. but not for cats.. another deception 🤷🏻‍♀️
  7. Trading cats for boxes? Trash
  8. It's funny that your attempt to relate to players has ended up being nothing more than yet another horrific cash grab, this could've been a really enjoyable set of boxes for players if you had just kept them tradeable. But of course, what do you get out of that? :) Every event that's being released lately is getting worse and worse - there isn't even any pretending that it isn't just a ridiculous cash grab anymore. I can't keep standing by what y'all are putting us through 😂
    NCT127, kttiemilk, web and 15 others like this.
  9. I'm tired of writing novels at you to say how bad yall did. Thanks for the cash grab ig, it's just like when work throws a pizza to boost low moral except we're the ones paying for it. 🍕 🎉😐
  10. dang non tradeable and non giftable boxes? ☹️
    guess i can't have my one box for showcase
    or a chance to win those OG avis 😔💔
    the raccoon is cute tho ty for that 😍🫶🏻
    I'd have been even more disappointed if it also couldn't be traded/gifted
    NCT127, VALORANT, LeeJarrett and 5 others like this.
  11. this^ or use the equivalent amount of kinis that a cat costs since so many of us have a ridiculous amount of pizza kini drops. this way we can all enjoy and celebrate PiMDs 14th bday party to the fullest 😊🎂🎈🍕
  12. 🎉Happyyyyy B-Dayyyyy🎉.Cheeeeers to many more, 🥃
  13. I agree with what others have said that it should have been kinis instead of cats. While I understand the business aspect, you should also remember your players who don’t spend money or spend very little. They’re just as important and should have the opportunities to get unique avis. I guarantee many players would have loved these pizza Avis, if they were more obtainable. Businesses can only last if their customers are happy.
    Reze, VALORANT, LeeJarrett and 9 others like this.
  14. At the very least could make a conversion function of kinis to cats
    Exactly, free to play outnumber pay to win 10:1 if not more 😩 and there's a whole middle ground of fishes too, us poor fishies getting milked here 😭
  15. For how much these boxes cost to buy and the drop rate and reset of luck, you think a pizza emoji would be next to the picture or even your name 🌝…
  16. I was excited for this and then I wasted cats on opening these to not win much despite getting a luck bubble like 15 times? Hah.. 🥸
  17. Happy bday ATA but that box is too expensive
    LeeJarrett, Tizzy, Nav and 1 other person like this.
  18. The concept and idea is great, but the execution is terrible. Why not use kinis? Why keep adding useless items to the boxes to make it harder for us? This is really greedy. Most people can't just drop $50 in HOPES that they'll get that box avi.

    Right now it's 200b for the female one which is crazy. This needs to be fixed.
  19. not when people are selling the male pizza avatar for 70+b and the female 200b 😔 i wanted both avatars but i don't have bento like that ☹️💔
    iJustEmma, LeeJarrett and Tizzy like this.
  20. P2W final boss I swear it’s worse each time😭