EVENT 😱🧠Here Today, Zomb Tomorrow🧟🧟‍♀️

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. if anyone finds out which story the zombie cheerleader is on let me know 💓
  2. I keep seeing the girl with the saw, so im guessing the cheerleader zombie is 3rd story?
  3. I've been thinking about it and I feel that should've switched the amount of time we have to distribute them with the collecting them. That way there's always a need to steal them rather than collect a bunch from parties and than have them stolen all at once
  4. or leaderboard avi😶😶
  5. Thats true, the leaderboard hasnt come out yet. ...why cant all the girl avatars look good or all of them be zombies? >_<
  6. Just... No

    This is NOT great work on pvp, this has stripped pvp of all meaning
    Ife, V_Witchy_101 and -P_M-Juss_Swagg like this.
  7. I want to know where the regular (non pvp) side story is like they claimed existed when they introduced the hunt🙄
  8. Anyone who got answers on why vials are not given on successful hits?
    -Teya likes this.
  9. How does the vial drop percentage work? Cause I’ve successfully hit players with more vials than me and less vials than me and both have had instances where nothing dropped... so is it a certain percentage of vials that I have that drop or a certain percentage of vials that they have that drop? Who can I hit and who can’t I not hit? This whole thing is very confusing
  10. Howd I achieve the 300 vials goal with 256 vials......
  11. It counts any that you’ve had stolen too
  12. Probably after the PvP side story ends. PvP side story will end on August 18, it is written on the post.
  13. I've noticed that hitting people waaay lower than your stats doesn't give you vials. That's just from my experience, so maybe try to hit someone your size or higher.
    -Mallika- likes this.
  14. That must be the "Lose 300 vials" story.
  15. How to lose zombie cure vials 🥀
  16. Let other people hit you.
    Muschi likes this.
  17. It doesn’t drop for me when the players vials are low like 20-30 vials
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Love that people 3-4 times my stats can hit me for 100+ times while I sleep but I can't hit someone who's 10mcs. The pvp in this game is absolute bs and you keep pushing broken ass pvp hunts that only benefit people 100mcs+

    If you're gonna force us to use the worst mechanic in the game, at least make it accessible to everyone and then don't make the avatars and furniture so damn ugly.
  19. It's literally explained in the original post. 🙄🙄🙄