EVENT 🕯️Cuddling by Candlelight 🕯️

Discussion in 'Events' started by pimd, Jan 7, 2024.

  1. This is the best hunt the company has ever dropped the avatars sexy ASF 💕 💞💕 mis dope hell I'm even reading the story lmao 🤣😭😭. Jd sat right in the middle of em 🤣🤣 🤣. If uk uk 🤭. But I respect everyone options on the matter
    Spoiled and Muschi like this.
  2. I agree I agree. Just so they can make more money 🤑💰💰. At least give us a gift for your mistake
    Dolcezza, diorhrts and Quantum like this.
  3. We got 72m cuz potd was prank primer. Wait till potd is bij or other hard parties the drops will be much lower
    Spoiled likes this.
  4. Omg do yall really think ATA dont have overall numbers of each hunt drops they can count with, and just randomly think 80M drops should do the job? Thats certainly a typo. They know the exact number of each hunt reached. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Also some people really just trying to find something they can complain about. You know you can just delete the game if you dont like it. Smh
    SweetAsYonii, SinisterNyx and Muschi like this.
  5. How to Participate in community collection.. It shows "0" in my case.
  6. By collecting Snug Moments, you'll be participating. The zero should be updated daily at changeover. If it stills shows zero after changeover, I recommend sending a help ticket.
  7. I mean we have all been aware that if you wanna get to a certain point in atas games and obtain certain things you needed to spend your money , they are money hungry and it’s shows across all of their games and it will continue to get worse because people will continue to spend their money
    Dolcezza and RE_WHENCH like this.
  8. Day 2 Results!

    The community has gathered a total of 159,975,836 Snug Moments thus far!
    SweetAsYonii and Muschi like this.
  9. You know, ever since y’all started experimenting (especially when players dislike them), I’ve noticed more and more issues.

    More typos, extremely late posts, late releases despite banners/posts about them being out… I always make sure I’m entirely app updated when I notice these and it never makes a difference. Quite confusing..
    Dolcezza, Victoria, RE_WHENCH and 4 others like this.
  10. It says there are new gifts but I'm not seeing them
    RE_WHENCH likes this.
  11. Finally starting to collect some sexy avis. Thank you ATA. Furni is great too!
    RE_WHENCH likes this.
  12. Day 3 Results - 234,998,566 Snug Moments collected by the community! :)
    Adorabelle, Lumi and Muschi like this.

  13. All of this! And also, the plus size avi just looks off. Either way I usually don’t complain too much about hunts and I never post in the forums, but I truly dislike this hunt format. I also truly hate that they keep pushing avi boxes back behind unobtainable goals.
    Dolcezza, web and Quantum like this.
  14. All hunt feedback aside, why is the screen flashing when hitting parties not fixed? I’m not even epileptic and it bothers me to the point I have to look away with brightness down if I’m in somewhere dark. I can’t imagine how much of an issue it is for those who genuinely cannot see it without major issue. You’d think accessibility would be one of your major concerns when you charge like $500 for an avi.
  15. I’m cackling cause they deleted my SpongeBob meme, I guess it hit them in the feels. They have to admit they are really ripping us off and more people are calling it out. It doesn’t take much to just listen when you already ask, “how does this make you feel?”
    Dolcezza and RE_WHENCH like this.
  16. Day 4 Results - 324,025,857 Snug Moments!
    Muschi likes this.
  17. And whenever you talk about it they delete or ignore your comments
    Provoker likes this.
  18. Literally! It’s so sad that IMVU, another avatar chatting game, has existed just as long and yet they come with much less hassle and scam. Though they don’t have storys and dorms IMVU are a very solid platform. I’ve played it since 2015 and I started playing PIMD in 2018. PIMD continues to bait players and of course they benefit because big spenders who weenie ride never stop buying useless low quality and copy pasted materials. it’s sad to ask for community to review your content through a survey yet NEVER take the time to acknowledge your players dissatisfaction in the services provided. As Dev’s you have to stop turning a blind eye at once point and learn to put the greed down and simply do better. It speaks volumes when players cared more for the content provided in 2018-2021. If they can’t assemble their own great ideas then create a community where you allow players to share their ideas for dorms, avatars, and more. Raising your prices to be unattainable and take advantage of the player’s wallet when the world is already so costly is sickening. And if they delete this comment then it goes to prove my point. They would rather erase the truth than do better.
    RE_WHENCH likes this.
  19. Day 5 Results - 458,053,002 Snug Moments collected.

    You guys hit over the halfway point and it hasn't even been the end of the first week! Y'all have this in the bag if you keep this up! 😍
    Yonko, Spoiled, QueenAmidala and 2 others like this.
  20. How are people simultaneously getting all side avis while failing to get more than 50k main drops? Something isn’t adding up, but main drops always outnumber side drops. You’d have to make it pretty far to start the third side story.