PROMO šŸ”„Heckfire InvasionšŸ”„

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. Please extend the time or lower extra tiers I want the wizard and in a month itā€™s unachievable
    AriDior, PaganMoonzye, Wuv and 18 others like this.
  2. I reached lvl 10 town hall but haven't received rewards for last 3 lvl as well
    ArizonaIcedBri, MissMochi and isamu like this.
  3. This really sucks for players who played it the first time.... Like my progress from before I had hit level 15 and it got deleted so I had to start over and not being able to claim stats twice cause can only have 1 is kinda lame, and discouraging
    Lydia likes this.
  4. Should be able to claim more then 1 of the state items if had to restart..
  5. It takes like 18 days and 20mil ore to upgrade from 22 to 23. It definitely gets progressively harder lol

    I'm only this high because I left off at 20 last time and have spent $35 dollars so far and will have to spend more for the avi.
  6. I understand that rewards can only be ā€œcollectedā€ once. But For those of us who had already done 1-22 during first cross over. Will we at least be getting the extra bonus being given this time? The bentos ? And will the Avis be auto boosted?
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  7. If we upgraded town halls when the event was over do we still get rewards?
  8. Yes.
    Lovely_Lola likes this.
  9. You will get all the rewards even for upgrading after last event was over, I got up to th25 after the last event and I got all my rewards already.
  10. Make sure your Heckfire account has the same email as your PIMD account. And they give out rewards only once a day so you shouldā€™ve got them today.
  11. Are you sure? I reached TH22 last time but got no extra rewards (bentos) this time? I'm hoping to reach TH24 in time so I can hopefully at least get those rewards.
  12. They both have the same email
  13. Extend the event. K thx.
    kush-god, CorneliaSt, Lydia and 6 others like this.

  14. Someone said that from th 25 to 26 takes like 70 days or something. Thats more than 2 months and they're giving us half the time to not only go from 25 to 26, but from 1 to 25 before that (which is probably another 50-80 days) make it make sense.

    Well actually it does make sense, it's a cash grab.
  15. For T24 itā€™s 30 days. Well, I hope I could do it at least for T26ā€¦
    _Kosha_ and Lydia like this.
  16. Please extend the event. I cannot afford to spend money to keep extending this, and I won't spend money. It should be doable even if narrowly to finish the event for free.
    kush-god, CorneliaSt, Lydia and 8 others like this.
  17. I saw the blueprint requirement then proceeded to laugh

    Getting the top shelf currency is extremely hard, you gotta time events and finish all 3 stars to get a handful, not only that but you gotta wait for each day's random offers for it to spew town hall blueprints. Even if you get lucky and it spaws on a certain day, its very likely you wont have enough currency to get the blueprints.

    This means that even if you have all the ore in the world, and all the speed ups in the world, progression is difficult as hell, let alone in a limited time frame.
  18. I agree please extend the event so it is do able
    kush-god, Lydia, Sasaki and 7 others like this.
  19. Anyone know how to get more ore? šŸ˜­
  20. Correct requirements for TH25.[​IMG]
    Lvl 24:
    Dragon spire
    Training pit
    150 m Ore

    89 Days
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.