NEW FEATURE πŸ”’ 2-Factor Authentication! πŸ”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. yeah just to get ticket shut down on ur face🀣

    Not having to put in a code every single time is nice but it's not a permanent fix, it's still time consuming and disheartening to free to play grinders.

    I know this feature alone has made several of the people I know to outright stop playing, some barely touch the game anymore, me included. Being able to use alts has always been a benefit to those who cannot or will not spend money and this makes it so much more difficult. In a way it seems like it's a push to make the players spend money, being less able to farm items due to increase in time needed to do so vs just buying the items, another money grab?

    Free to play players make up the majority of every game, they are the majority of the people that write the reviews, the ones that are always there to participate in events, the ones that give feedback and help in beta testing. In my opinion, they are the majority of the ones that give the money spenders a reason to spend money and stay on top. Making the one way to farm items and feel at least somewhat accomplished harder does not seem right. I have never had issues with account security and I've been playing since 2017, in my experience it's the people who don't keep track of their logins or give them out that need this feature most but why should the rest of us be forced to participate in something we don't want?

    Please make an opt out feature!
    Bamboozle and UnholyAlphaWolf like this.
  3. Actually I want to delete my account but I'm unable to delete it because the account deletion option is not available and I can't see it
    UnholyAlphaWolf likes this.
  4. Send a help ticket
    El-Wrld likes this.
  5. Literally same... I've had to replace 10 old emails already... And now dealing with Gmail locki g me out of a couple more emails... This is just frustrating. Feels like we good ones being punished because of the few baddie
    Legit... Trying to Play with 50 accounts won't be easy or worth it no more with this... Just a waste of minutes I could get in hit and get out to get back to my main account in time ....
  6. I would also like to push for an opt out as a dolphin not necessarily free to play but also not a whale it's making grinding on alts way nore difficult than it needs to be. It also seems to have broken support for Samsung pass. I didn't have to type in the email and password each time just my finger print would auto input the information for me. When switching between 10+alts it's a life saver. Can we add back support for Samsung pass please? Pretty please with a cherry on top!
    UnholyAlphaWolf likes this.
  7. Samsung pass? Fingerprint? I don't recall ATA ever having these log-in options.
  8. It is against the terms of use to have a unmanageable amount of accounts. They added the extra step to deter people from exactly that and try slow down the bots
    Muschi likes this.
  9. It's a feature that is in most higher end samsung phone where it stores log in information for your apps.
  10. But it wasn't an unmanageable amount and at least for it still isn't just takes up a larger chunk of my time. More to the point I didn't say get rid of the feature but start to bake in some ease of use stuff like bringing back the ability to use our phones features like Samsung pass. They way it currently set up it probably effects regular free to play players and dolphins more than it does the bots and scammers. They just gonna write better software to handle the new stuff and then the cycle will continue. If you participate or in the know of cyber security/security then it known that a middle ground has to be achieved because leaning too much in one particular direction in the spectrum of security will start to effect regular civilian more so than it does its intended target. All I'm saying is that if they gonna add stricter security than start baking in some ease of use that can lessen the burden on the regular free to play players. #bring back Samsung pass support it broke with the update!
    UnholyAlphaWolf likes this.
  11. Have you tried contacting Samsung about this feature not working?
  12. I have that's why it took me a bit to bring in my 2cents. They said it's up to each individual app to allow it to work or not. They didn't get to detailed but it seems they way it works is that it stores the Information within its app and it's always on top of other apps and when it opens if it has stored logins for it itll pop up click it and it'll auto paste the information similarly to say a website with an account saved on like google.
  13. Interesting! I would definitely send a help ticket if you haven't already. The devs will be able to hopefully assist better + faster there.
    Bamboozle likes this.
  14. Yea the app was super useful especially as a grind f2p but it's just handy overall and I use it with all the apps that allow it. All phones should have something similar in my opinion. What's cool too is that all u have to do after setting it up is scan your finger print and voila login info is applied to the app your trying to access.
    Muschi likes this.
  15. But yea I will try sending a ticket and hopefully they fix it.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Good luck!
  17. Sounds sketchy that phone companies can just have that info now. Something as specific as finger prints. And people dont even seem to question it
    876528888906 likes this.
  18. All modern phones have that capability but no one is forcing you to use it. In the same app that I use to login into stuff you can set it up with a password, face face scan or with a pattern grid thing. Choice is all yours my friend and if privacy is a concern than you should read the tos of everything you use including this very forum and game.
  19. Never said i was being forced to do anything. Just said it sounds sketchy. Just coz companies take so much info it doesnt mean people shouldnt question it
  20. I'm trying to recover 4 accounts. They want my purchase history, but Google play does not tell me which one is for my main account and which one was for a little alt. And I bought a lot in 2020.