NEW FEATURE 🔒 2-Factor Authentication! 🔒

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. I have no idea how this multiple emails on one account works. I tried making one from Gmail and it has to be completely new and if I put in my old email on ATA it says already in use
  2. It doesn't save my device for 30 days. I logged out and logged in 3 times just for funsies. No, it wasn't fun bc it made me put the verification code every time 💀. This should be made optional. I'm about to emo quit.
  3. To ata do you ever think of hassle it will bring to every players? It seems you’re acting on your own interest not us players. You can clean this mess by stepping back on this 2FA. How can we invite others to play this game when just logging in is a big nuisance.
  4. Security is always in the best interest of the user. This is a new feature. Theres always going to be bugs and kinks to work out for new things. This is a game that holds bank information due to the in game purchases. It sits in the transaction history. It doesnt take much for dodgey fuckera to get that information especially if security is low.

    I have seen multiple occasions of people accidentally getting into other peoples accounts. Or intentionally but saying its accidental. Its annoying yes. But once everything is worked out proply it will be fine. This step is needed tbh
    xPeachMamii- likes this.

  5. they should FIX the bugs we already have tbh.

    so you're basacly saying ata doesnt even trust themselfs with out bank info?😂😂 i play lots of games and they NEVER ask for second vertifications. & like i said above pimd isnt a bank.

    kinda funny; ata prob makes +5k$ each day; +50k dollars on promo & they cant up the security?
    Libra and MissingInAction like this.
  6. Its exactly what they are doing. Upping security. It doesnt take much for hackers to get peoples info especially if security is low
  7. Can we just note 2FA isn’t to stop bank data being stolen, your information is safe and is not stored in app, the only place a card may be saved is on the web store if you choose to have it saved, which is powered separately to the main pimd application. 2FA is to protect a players accounts and to avoid password sharing, losing accounts to account hacking etc
  8. This 2FA should be suspended because majority find it annoying, monthly verification is hassle ms makes this game dissappointing
    LoneWolf, Priyonti, DriftKing and 3 others like this.
  9. This 2FA just gives everyone stress, ata should first consult players because it’s us who will carry the burden of getting verified before we can open the app, every month, this is a mess but ata doesn’t want to admit their at fault for this. Be responsible next time
    DriftKing, zhenda and -_-nikki- like this.
  10. Jailbreak your iPhone, you can use a tweak called containers that will allow you to use as Many accounts as you wish
  11. Jailbreak is slowly dying unfortunately for iPhones. Most have newer phones that the JB community can’t keep up since the newer iOS versions are harder to break. :c
  12. 5
  13. Can you guys add a way to verify our accounts in multiple ways, whether it be via email or possibly phone number. I ended up losing my account solely because of this new update. I haven’t used the email i made my account with in a while so when I tried logging back in, not only could I not log in but I couldn’t verify my email either
    DriftKing likes this.
  14. So if I get a new device, I’ll have to verify every 30 days? I’ve still yet receive anything verifying
  15. I dont like this I was fine . With my biometric sign in that automatic did my password . Go on changing between my accounts today and I got forcefully had to update and now it will not put my email and password in automatically with biometric and then having to go into my email for an PIN CODE WTF
    zhenda likes this.
  16. This 2FA is a complete disaster, it only bring anger knowing you have to verify your the mail every month, whose fault then
    Priyonti likes this.
  17. Same thing happened with me they declined to recover account just because I didn't remember when was the last time I logged in 💀 I gave all the other info correct and have the login info as well

  18. what's the use they r just shutting down the ticket upon failing to provide last login date on alts🥲
  19. I tried to contact support but unlike many people's here I got no resolution I lost access to all my 7 alts..Atleast allow such people's to login via old version for 2-3 days if you can't provide support.Totally disappointed I had worked so much to build those alts.I regret wasting time and now just want to emo quit
    joemee_ likes this.