NEW FEATURE 🔒 2-Factor Authentication! 🔒

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, May 24, 2023.

  1. @ATA how many alts can we have on PIMD? I need to know please
  2. It is an amount that is reasonably able to be managed, and it is 5 linked to one email at a time
  3. Yes!! More protection!!
  4. What if you got locked out of your account and can't fill out a Help ticket?
  5. Create a new account and go from there
  6. It's a no for me, my phone is Huawei and it's hard for me to get verified directly in email, because huawei doesn't support google services. There's one time I did that for my alt, and now I can't open it. I got the verification code but it will redirect to nothing.
    Gatubela and 876528888906 like this.
  7. Лідэрам лепш од же нужна пучок спаржи, 2 килограмма помидоров и сахар

    Продавец: Хорошо, какой сахар? Кусочками или пудра?

    Покупатель: пудра подойдет. У вас есть смягчитель?

    Продавец: Да, у нас есть. Это прямо здесь, в моющем отделе

    Покупатель: Наконец, я возьму два ломтика копченой ветчины и 3 отбивных из свинины

    Продавец: Хорошо, это 25 долларов, вот ваш чек
  8. Hello friends! Thanks for all of the feedback you've shared on this new feature. Just wanted to take a minute to share that we are currently working on and releasing an update to the 2FA system!

    When this was first released, a verification code needed to be sent with each login.

    Now when you log into an account, the system will remember and recognize that device for the next 30 days. We still want to push for higher account security but this change will be a big help to players that regularly log in and out.

    If you have any other questions on this, please don't hesitate to message us. Thanks again for all of the constructive feedback on this!
    Nirob_Rafig, Tizzy, Adalia and 3 others like this.
  9. How tho
  10. No support
    LoneWolf, Libra, Haley and 2 others like this.
  11. If you have 10 Gmail addresses you can add + to each address. This will mean 100 accounts. Though 100 is much, don't you think so?
    shegefehwh likes this.
  12. There should be a week notice before this 2FA is implemented, but being long time player, ata doesn’t step back up even majority of players opposed, game should be more exciting not disappointing, btw there’s no dislike button here, because ata is afraid that many will hit that button, it’s disgusting update
  13. Every month of 2FA is hassle, but that’s ata decision ta make this game funnier
  14. Dear ATA .. can you please relocate the ‘DELETE ACCOUNT’ button? Your current position will be easily let ppl accidentally press and delete. Thank you…
  15. I’d recommend sending this as a suggestion through the help section ☺️
  16. I hated this. My p8 lite was the best phone I ever had. Then when they banned google everything i use stopped working so was forced to buy a new phone
  17. Inconvenient. Now I got reason to delete this app. Thank you and good luck 🤞🏻
    Shirookaami likes this.