STORY PASS 🔍Ptolemy Harlow and the Case of the Fossil Collector🕵️‍♂️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. Buying storypass
  2. selling story pass 10b
  3. Buying story pass 8b
  4. do i have to fully complete the collectathon tier for the detective side story cause it usually hard for me to complete any of the tiers
  5. If you're doing the collectathon tiers, that's a total of 15 tiers. You can do 15x first tier (500 main story drops) to clear the task since each star for collectathon counts as 1 tier.
    You can also save ur lite boxes and open a few in one day. Opening prev hunt boxes count towards main story drops for collectathon as well.
    nixi3 and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  6. Buying story pass 👀 wmo
  7. It is no longer available.