NEW FEATURE 📢 New Help Experience IS LIVE!📚

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. I guess so. I actually opened a ticket today so I understand how it works
    tonnam4 and Day like this.
  2. Send screenshots? Yeah right 😂

    Support is about to get flooded with dirty pics from pub chat nubs 😂😂😂
  3. Hi how are you today
  4. I like hot men and ones that are sexy and just right for me I’m 18+++
  5. Good~ things about me: sexy likes 18+++ single
  6. Will we be able to read old tickets that we had opened?
  7. I’m a tester apparently and I can’t find them lol
  8. Nice, now no need to wait long for a reply.
    NightmareBunnieXO likes this.

  9. On the first page, the first post made by ATA , it says this :

  10. @Champagne

    my bad for the previous post
  11. Its about time honestly. This game's been around for 10 years and are only now doing this. Personally theres nothing wrong with the bots feature, every app/shop or anything you go online for and need help has a not before you get to a representative even amazon. I do think the ss feature is the most important, it was really hard to show actual proof of stuff like grooming when you can't send ss to prove it so its labeled slander
    EL-Dorado likes this.
  12. Late to reply to this, woops 😅


    ...I think this might be a good idea tbh.

    Tho some may be sad about this, I understand why... but!! I do think this will help everyone out in the long run.

    Many spend alot of time, looking for help when theres answers... and then they spend more time on them, then others that can't be helped that way. (If it makes sence) so I think... having this, would be a wonderful new addition if/when it's officially here :)
    Joy likes this.
  13. P.s...

    I my self... have limited access to places I can show my SS, and I love... that there implementing this into the help areas, I do believe this is one of the best things that will come out of this. :) thank you :)
    EL-Dorado likes this.
  14. Yeah I’m in
    EL-Dorado likes this.
  15. Hi sexy sexy boy will you be my boyfriend if you can
  16. I'm in need of a caring rs, no rp please.
  17. Ah, missed that! Thank you!
    GoddessHailey and EL-Dorado like this.
  18. Most of us already use automated voice messaging bots to get to the right support people in real life, this won’t end the help experience guys. It’s helpful for easily solvable issues so that there isn’t an influx of tickets for a commonly (and already answered) question.
  19. So are you telling us we will still get spam bots in Pub chat or nah?

    No? Oh ok I’ll keep hating the player experience then :)