UPDATE 💥 Blast from the Past + Reward Points Updates!💥

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. this cool but I think I got all those avi already
  2. @ATA-Will I know you guys don’t really care or take our feedback for anything, but I want to make a suggestion for a future update. Can you guys add an additional dorm or a “second floor” so we can put more furni to use? I have so many completed sets I absolutely love, but it would be more fun to decorate and showcase a whole different dorm at the same time as your favorite 🥹 I have such a hard time deciding which dorm I want to use
  3. Bring back store daily deals or just overall better deals
  4. Hi, how can I get maid for you raffle ticket to where?
    Thank you🪽
  5. You can find them in Mollys deals in the store on the pimd app
    Calypso and Muschi like this.
  6. are certain items more rare than others..??? ive gotten the same 499 3 times. maybe i’m just unlucky
    Aoi_keiko likes this.
  7. luckier than me. All guy avis and a 499 I don’t need or want
    insatiablevixen_ likes this.
  8. Since when did they start charging tax in the pimd web store? I purchased an item for $19.99 and am being charged $21.59 for the purchase. At this point if I’m being charged tax, I might as well just purchase on the app instead of the web store smh
  9. Tax being charged is based on your location, I believe. I remember I used to not be charged tax when purchasing on PIMD (through the app) until laws in my area changed and those purchases became eligible for taxation. So now I get charged tax. Could this be the case for you?
  10. Is anyone else’s daily xc broken?! How is it in increments of five…yet I went from 146 daily xc points to 161????
  11. Did you eavesdrop? Eavesdropping is only +1. Looks like you got to 140, eavesdropped, and then did a task that is +15.

  12. Got to *145, not 140, my bad.
  13. Yepp you’re right! I just looked into it and they just started taxing beginning of the year. Sucks😩
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Sorry to hear that! Keep buying from the web store then because at least you get the discount ATA offers.

    ...And maybe write some angry emails to your legislators? 😂