NEW CONTENT 💎Birthstone Avatars 💎 - UPDATED: Nov. 22nd, 2022

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. BS avis here bb 🌹 @Pebbles
    Palash, _Mariku_- and SugarCookie like this.
  2. Collecting aqua. Will trade all stones for aqua
  3. I got the PERIDOT
    Road and CapedClown like this.
  4. Selling multiple birthstones 5:1c , 100:20c, etc. will trade for Libra shards.
    wasi03 likes this.
  5. Trading birthstones for opal
  6. Selling wall me offer
    123 turquoise
    182 critine
    106 sapphire
    108 peridot
    334 ruby
    156 pearl
    138 emerald
    175 diamond
    77 Aquamarine
    152 amethyst
    156 garnet
    Oram likes this.
  7. Looking for opal! Trading all other birthstones
  8. Selling ruby birthstone wmo 💜
  9. Wow they really hate December for some reason huh?
  10. Why is p
    Why is peridot so ugly 😭😭💔 they did us dirty
  11. Selling all of my birthstones, just wall me offer. I can also trade for other things.
  12. None of us nice 😂😂
  13. Trading my birthstone for sapphire 🤗
  14. Buying Blue Sapphire Shards 10 per 1chibi.
  15. Update: Got the avatar! 💙
    Shadowcrow and Derriana like this.
  16. trading my 700 ruby for opal!! pls spare me some opal if you can :)
  17. I will buy birthstones dm me for prices
  18. Looking for amethyst.
    Also swapping all my other bs 5:1 sun tarot.