EVENT 👻Ghost in the Shelves📚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Oct 18, 2022.

  1. I've been looking forward to Halloween for this??? Long boring skirt like a library hunt? And to top it off it's on for 3 weeks! 🤣🤣🤣 Meanwhile single city no matter what they say is still hard with the cushion and other rare elements that make you stuck.... Congratulations ATA a lil more of this and we'll be gone 🎉🎉🎊 Happy Halloween 🎃😂😂😂
  2. For those prizes; not me. I don’t like the avis so hopefully there is more prizes to be earned for the pvp aspect. I like the concept tho. It does remind me Of Harry Potter library. But the avis are bland and boring. There’s maybe 3 I like but I wouldn’t actually wear any of them. Hopefully the misc items are better.
  3. Which is funny bcuz the only reason ppl are buying stuff is to finish the hunt fast enough for prizes here.
    Zkittlez and insatiablevixen_ like this.
  4. Not spooky enough 😔
  5. This is a pretty fun theme.
  6. Ummm i was hoping that main story avis will be spooky ones but nope, nothing spooky about them.. and 3 weeks of hunt for.. what exactly.. sorry but that's a no from me, i ain't fall for this.. And this furni box with stuff from last year 😵 y'all could do it so much better..
    x_FluorescentEllis_x likes this.
  7. Not keen on the avis but the dorm is cool
  8. To get things ready for black friday. They do it every year
  9. Daaaang. Continue to make crap like this and I’ll continue to save money. 😮‍💨
  10. Is that a bad thing tho?
    Azrael_Zahgurim likes this.
  11. Didn’t say it was. ATA lost their touch a long time ago. I miss 2018 PIMD when they weren’t so money hungry for bullshit designs.
  12. Buying hunt furni or trading dorm starred 😘
  13. yes i know but this hunt is so disappointing 🤦🏻‍♀️
    x_FluorescentEllis_x likes this.
  14. Oh, a "chance" of PVP... FOR SOMETHING I DON'T EVEN WANT 😭
  15. Not everyone tbh. I thought the game was decent till cross over showed up and the toxicity of pimd came to that community.
    No mods & full of minors. Ata can’t do anythin right.
  16. did y’all just remove the EC spending extracurricular and replace them with halloween streamers cuz you know too many people would be cashing this hunt? 👀
  17. uh ok this is meh
  18. This hunt is like a mixture of Harry Potter & Paranormal Activity just not what I was expecting for a Halloween hunt on PIMD lol.... A big no to all avatars even the leader board ones look ugly to me. Also the furniture looks ugly... Only thing I'll be doing this hunt is collecting stats.