LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🐟Brand New VIP Champagne Box Avatars, Furniture & Items!🧜

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Queens, Jul 28, 2020.

  2. How many anchors do we need
  3. I believe someone said you need 60 for the non vip version.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Nobody mentioned gender or sex. They mentioned sexual orientation. Different things compadre...
    MarBaby788, Vexes, Ganyu14 and 7 others like this.
  5. One of this furnis dissapear from my showcase (wall), i saw somebody else had the same problem and mention it in here...what is happening?
    TrashCat likes this.
  6. You say you support LGBTQ while also shaming them smdh.
  7. The Mesmerizing mermaid Avis have a glitch. I pulled the vip (blonde) mermaid but it appears in the club chat and pms as the brunette (regular). Another girl in my club pulled the regular mermaid avi but it appears as the VIP in cc and pms.
    MtnDewMe, TrashCat and Muschi like this.
  8. Yeah it happened to me too! And it showed as “unknown reopen game when I got it from the box”
    Mihnea931 likes this.
  9. So, I received an "unknown" item from the vip box that says reopen game. I did and nothing happened. I uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing happened. Game updated, yet again, nothing. I logged out then back in and nothing. I can't even send a ticket. So, what's the purpose of this item that says reopen game?
    AstridFox and Kat1291 like this.
  10. It’s broken
  11. I respect the queers but not really is what u saying huh
    Eros likes this.
  12. ‘our people’ are the ones who have had to physically FIGHT to have ourselves recognised as valid individuals who love who we love and identify how we are comfortable. ‘Your people’ are the ones who get to sit back and not have to have blood shed to receive validity. No, I do not think LGBTQ+ people have to respect those that actively protest against them, because those people are protesting against the quality of life for others. You are inheriently hypocritical in your statement. Saying you respect a group of people and then proceeding to undermine them cancels out. Keeping such ignorance will simply prove to others that you are NOT a supporter. LGBTQ+ are VALID, and I hope any members of it realise that you are all wonderful people who are allowed to be HAPPY. 🖤🏳️‍🌈
    Elizabetg, _Orion_, Amarilove and 5 others like this.
  13. I couldn’t have said it better myself!! Lovely way with words!!
    _Orion_ and Vexes like this.
  14. Same thing here 🙃
  15. Why aren't there any instructions on how to get the avatars? I have anchors and not a new avi
  16. You need 60
  17. I'm just trying to buy this dorm without spending all my bentos XD

    Summer is almost over and all my games decide to throw summer stuff as me now
  18. You have to respect it because they created by God and you to right it means we all are the same
  19. It's fair ya know were made from god it means we're all the same
  20. [​IMG]