LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🐟Brand New VIP Champagne Box Avatars, Furniture & Items!🧜

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Queens, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. those avis with that dorm... *chefs kiss*
  2. Just wondering.. Will we ever get romance avis with 2 boys together and 2 girls together? I'm tired of getting only straight ones
    Choice, Vexes, Ganyu14 and 21 others like this.
  3. Seems fishy. I don’t like it.
  4. I’ll just keep swimming
    Buwbuw likes this.
  5. The Avis are a bit scary 😂
    _Kosha_ and MoodyRudy like this.
  6. It looks nothing like lord voldemort
    Alyxander likes this.
  7. That stats are lame! Up your game ATA I need bigger stats to complete my parties!!!!
  8. Good question,I want to see if ATA replies to this
    ImTheDevilBxtch and Vexes like this.
  9. Which Anchor goes to which avatar? I got a gold one.
    mintokkiii and 90sL0V3 like this.
  10. It’s a great dorm but like what avis do you get from each anchor🥺😂
    TiNCaBell and Vexes like this.
  11. Okay, this was for me wasnt it? 🤩
  12. I need to know what the anchors do!!!! I got 2 silver.
    CoolLikeThat likes this.
  13. The anchors will combine into the avas with 2 characters in them. You will need 60 anchors total for regular version then another 60 for vip version. I believe silver are male and gold are female
    TiNCaBell and Silverstein like this.
  14. I’ve tried to unsee the new 999 in the vip box 😂😂😂😌but I can’t !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀 (see it for yourself at your own risk)🤣
    La-Bichota likes this.
  15. Which Achor istis for mermaid and guy she rescues?
    CoolLikeThat likes this.
  16. Feck, I don't want female. I need male.
  17. It's unique. I like it. I'm sure these avatars have their niche, the art is pretty and we get enough common/human avatars. Good job on originality.

    People complaining are often the same who will go to the hunt announcement posts and say "ew recycled". But want all the avatars to look the same. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Vexes and iDoubtIt like this.
  18. I agree with this 100 but I think we also need to keep in mind that there are M/F couples where at least one of them is bi too and they shouldn't be dismissed as a straight couple!!! My bf and I are both bi and we are a M/F couple.... NOT a straight couple. Please use M/F couple! 💞
    Amarilove likes this.
  19. If I saw two mermen or mermaids wrapped up like that mermaid and sailor, I would sell an arm and a leg for it.
    Ganyu14, AmethystNight, Khris and 3 others like this.