CONTEST 🐝🐝Save the Bees Charity Drive!🐝🐝

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATA-Will, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. I miiiiight have gotten a little ambitious lol

    Save the Bees

    Todays the day
    We picnic at last,
    Dancing and playing,
    like years past

    But my friends are not here
    No family seen
    Im the last of my hive
    Because no one intervened

    If humans came in
    If they were so humble
    They could've saved them
    Im the last little bumble

    No pollen or honey
    No queen bee to serve
    No hive to belong to
    Is this what I deserve?

    Please save the bees
    We're cute and hardworking
    Don't tread on the hives
    No more coersing

    Please save the bees
    We're fuzzy and small
    Bring back our hives
    We're here to help all
  2. All these pics and drawings are so cute and I love the poems as wellπŸ₯Ήβ™₯️

    I didn’t know if I wanted to post anything but I remembered my favorite wallet has a bee on it so I will share thatπŸπŸ’›

  3. 🐝Serenity
    Black and yellow stripes
    Very beautiful creatures in sight,
    Works very hard for their queen
    Not very hard to be seen.

    They are a species that is not dangerous
    They make a sweet and sticky substance for us,
    Stop with the pesticides in their hives
    Let the poor little bees thrive,

    Black and yellow stripes, not green,
    Works very hard for their queen,
    Love to see them in the trees?
    Save the bees, save the bees, save the bees.
  4. Just some more Honeybee and Bumblebee facts! 🐝 🍯 🌼


    also check out the lovely Erika Thompson's Youtube Channel for more important information on honeybees πŸ’›πŸπŸ’›
    SinisterPoisonous likes this.
  5. Don't step on me
    Buzz buzz buzz. Can you hear me? I'm down in the grass or up in the trees. I fly here and there. Can you see me? I help plants grow. Can you see the berries and the peas? As busy as can be I'm making honey. Spread it on toast or put some in your tea. If you know I'm there don't step on me. I have a sharp stronger to poke you with if you scare me. I'm meant to help and I'm meant to share. So lend me your love and care.
    BadtzMaru likes this.
  6. A Bee and a Rose fall in love, but when the Queen demands a bouquet, must find a way to stay together.
  7. We have to save the bees.
    Don't me beg please.
    They completely affect out ecology.

    With global warming
    and air pollution harming
    the bee's way of life; they're barely swarming

    The flowers, bushes, and trees
    that they pollinate
    because humanity's affecting the way that they operate.

    So don't be selfish
    and pull out that money
    to save the bees
    so we can eat that sweet honey.
    Mimi8348 likes this.
  8. Correcting the sentence "Don't me beg please". It's supposed to say "Don't make me beg please"
    Mimi8348 likes this.

    Next round of Gifts just went out to folks!
    Make sure to get your contributions submitted via the Survey before Tuesday at noon!
    Hales, Serenityy, Mimi8348 and 2 others like this.
  10. Bees are an important part of earth
    The give food and are endanger from pesticides we use daily Save the Bees and plant more flowers
    Mimi8348 likes this.
  11. I planted these Milkweeds at the beginning of summer, finally I've got some blossoms πŸ₯° Milkweed is a pollinator favorite and they will grow back every year if cared for properly, I buy seeds[​IMG] from a little bee shop on etsy every year and sprinkle them around my town but this was the first year I potted some for my step, this is just common Milkweed as there are lots of different strains of it people can plant and grow in their gardens, I'm hoping next year to continue my Milkweed tradition!
  12. Thats such a sweet tradition! πŸ₯ΉπŸ–€ I know all the lil pollinator friends enjoy it <3 🐝

    also side note- I have a friend named Milkweed, I always forget it’s a plant lol
    TBK_UglyDuckling420 likes this.
  13. GoddessHailey likes this.