CURRENT EVENT 🐕Dog Days of Summer🐩

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    It's dog-eat-dog Campus out there. Try to do your best to keep up with THESE crazy puppers 🐶!

    The Dog Days of Summer event will be running from August 15th, 2023 @ 12:00pm PST until August 29th, 2023 @ 12:00pm PST.

    Don't drop your guard!

    Important Event details - PLEASE READ

    There are a few changes we're trying out for this event. The amount of rewards is still the same (even a little bit more in some cases), but progression is slightly different. It won't always be like this - we like to try out new things from time to time! <3 Here's some of what you can expect:
    • There will be NO SIDESTORIES during this event. Usual side-story rewards, including avatars and items, will instead be combined into one big Main Competition!
    • Some rewards are attainable at lower tiers
    • The amount of items you need to collect for the Main Competition is the same as it always is!
    • There will be some weirdness with this many tiers in the same screen, where they overlap a bit! Sorry about that we'll try to have this fixed next time we run something like this!
    • If you are on android you may not be able to scroll down to see the rewards for Tier 25, we've listed them below for you!

    The rewards for Tier 25 if you can't see them!
    The cutest Tier 25 stat item you ever did see!


    Not enough hands to pet all those doggies


    Available through Dog Treat Box and the Furniture Store!
    Dog Treat Box

    Pro Party of the Day Drop!

    Make sure to hit those PPOTD this event if you want to catch this very Smart Boy (Stat Item)
    Baxter Fuzzcode 🤓

    MFW puppy 😊😊


    Check out the Reward Points System that lets you earn rewards on every purchase!
    Only available on the PIMD Web Store
    #1 [ATA]Caster, Aug 10, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2023
    Muschi, -Dak0ta-, Iriesa and 13 others like this.
  2. Good boy themed 10/10
  3. You’re better than this..😔
  4. I like dogs but man... We need a more unique hunt
  5. About time there’s loves for dogs. It’s always cats.
  6. This is funny I know people that look exactly like the pug guys and have a pug💀
    BloodyKisses and -Dr_Dolittle- like this.
  7. Doggoosss 💜 cutee
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  8. Ohhh a doggo hunt time to book dog clubs 🫡
    StrongDreamer likes this.
  9. What happened to spooky themed 🥸🌚
  10. B2B cute animal hunt wtf😭
    Pendragon and DivineSecrets like this.
  11. ppotd drop is cute af but the avis are decent 😌
    Pahuj, Memento and --Tifa like this.
  12. oh… :confused:
    Nocturnalis and Wi1tches like this.
  13. You saved me so much money...thanks ig. This is ugly asf and recycled AGAIN.
  14. Nice nice not bad
  15. Look at that stupid cute face 🥹
  16. Avis are ok not a fan of the furni
    Aiodahn and Megasaurus like this.