CURRENT EVENT πŸˆβ€β¬› The Cat's Meow πŸˆβ€β¬›

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Oct 29, 2024.

  1. How about the puppies arf
  2. From the dorm to the avatars, it's pretty solid execution on a regular theme. I adore the styles, colors, etc especially since it looks cohesive and matches. Nice way of combining fall/academia aesthetic with kittens. What's funny is that I was about to just a fireplace would have been nice to seal it all together... then I scrolled up and saw a fireplace as a 999 alternative. Good work on this hunt! Wish we got this effort on the planning for the tricky treat event and on the recycled story pass.
  3. Too many Cat Hunts, Fox Hunts, you run out of Animals? How about rare pets like Racoons, deer etc something else other then these type of hunts, be creative.
    web, -Gon-, 62cents and 7 others like this.
  4. LOOK I love cats. But agreed with above^ gimme something different. Reptiles, deep sea creatures, just something that's not so repetitive πŸ™
    web, 62cents, Mythical and 6 others like this.
  5. That statue is KILLING me xD
  6. Meow
    (Wheres spongebob)
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  7. This hunt looks nice. I really hope i get something reasonable from this hunt boxes or lite, last hunt was completely a no no, even the common vampire fangs hunt drop I kept getting 50 or 150 how disappointing
  8. I lub da hunt so I'll stay active 🌚 , also hoping for some candy bars πŸ˜ŒπŸ’•
    Lumi likes this.
  9. Another cat hunt πŸ˜” why you always letting us down ata smh
    BowDollaz likes this.
  10. YEEEEEE!! More kitty!!!!
    Lumi likes this.
  11. I only like one (technically 2 of these Avis) I’m so over cat hunts 😭😭😭😭 ughhhhh
  12. Any idea when is the BF starting? Is it at the end of the month or?
  13. let’s not forgive ata cause they made skins with cats🌚 yall are ridiculous.
    Placebo likes this.
  14. Well good to know my money's safe for bfπŸ₯± I swear tho... yall manage to screw up bf again... I d
  15. Well good to know my money's safe for bfπŸ₯± I swear tho... yall manage to screw up bf again... I d
  16. IDEK*** Yalls forms are glitching tf outβœ‹πŸΌπŸ™„...
    Placebo likes this.
  17. Whens the next side story coming out?
  18. [​IMG]

    Sometimes trying new things may not always work out in everyone's favour, Sometimes re visiting old things isn't always bad, Sometimes giving them time to create something bigger and better than what you've witnessed in the past may work towards benefit of all those who associate with pimd in some or the other way.

    Appreciate their efforts because if we don't, then who will?

    It's easy to spread the agenda of negativity.
    You, as a gamer who has been associated with this game for such a long time, or even a day, will always bigger than that negative agenda.

    In the last six months I've thoroughly enjoyed this game's content, I've met more people from across the world than i could never meet in real life.
    With this I just wanted to put an effort into spreading a positive message that better things are ahead of you.
    Be optimistic, Be positive and Appreciate what the Devs do for you, for if they were not around you wouldn't even be playing this game to begin with..

    "I Appreciate You Devs, Thanks for creating PIMD."
    ~ Robin
    Juliboo likes this.
  19. do you want a cookie? maybe a trophy perhaps? PIMD wouldn’t work or make any money WITHOUT ITS COMMUNITY. don’t let ata love bomb you, it sounds like an abusive relationship to me🌚
  20. the biggest thing that the community is upset about is the lack of response. it took them forever to even say something about the candy bar bs, and when they did it was a bunch more bs. all this is to them is a cash grab. from what i and many others have gathered, they do not care about their community as much as you may think they do.
    Placebo likes this.