LIMITED-TIME CONTENT πŸ– Brand New VIP Champagne Box Avatars, Furniture & Items!🍹

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Klohie
  2. @IArtyWillPaintDatAss it’s the one in the bottom left corner. The first version has brown hair and the one you see which is vip has blue hair.
  3. 😳😳
  4. Why I banned
    I put wrong
    thing that so stupid in campus
  5. Honestly, ATA needs to increase benefits of VIP because what they offer really isn’t worth the price PER WEEK!
    Lanaya, Espacio, luvhaven and 10 others like this.
  6. I love how they bring a vip tropic hunt that sold high but then 2 hunts later thry bring a butterfly tropic hunt that people like more than the vip tropic hunt so now the prices are low af. Why y’all ruining your own hunts πŸ₯²