CURRENT EVENT 🏂 Style on the Slopes ⛷️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Or Aurora one from last year
    90sL0V3 likes this.
  2. I was just thinking this haha
    Gossamer likes this.

  3. You said it best!

    Thanks ATA for the break after BF
    Ciabatta, Gossamer and sinnamanbun like this.
  4. I love the avis, EXCEPT for the naked ones.
    ATA why you love putting naked folks out in the cold?
  5. Gives me the spa hunt vibes. Idk. But thank you ata for providing. Can we get a HXH hunt?
  6. Repeats after repeats. Willlld
  7. .......Y'all really don't read the surveys huh? CAUSE I LITERALLY GIVE MY WHOLE OPINION
    web, marly_marls, Raine- and 3 others like this.
  8. Dorm is recycled and the avi I like is probably leaderboard . Good I needed to save money after BF anyway
  9. It’s cute, it’s just lack luster. But ofc ata isn’t going to give an overly cute expensive hunt, they’re giving us a break 🥴
    Tiva likes this.
  10. I’m OBSESSED
  11. Kind of miffed that ATA ended a really good hunt after only one week and replaced it with THIS?

    Other than that hunt sucks, a good break for everyone. 🖖🏼
    marly_marls likes this.
  13. Can you chill out with making all of your avis look like ex pole dancers and extras for Magic Mike?
  14. shut your lazy @$$ always complaining about every hunt No one force you to play the game Estúpido
  15. The Dog and the Cat elements
    are absolutely adorable...

    Lumi likes this.
  16. only good avi is the top right which is T100.

    way to go ata 💀
    Killua and Raine- like this.
  17. Yeah why is the sofa bed, fireplace 999, and St. Bernard 999 missing from hunt and furni boxes??
    Lite likes this.
  18. *St Bernard 499
  19. I actually dig most of this but I'm sure the best avis are LB lmao rip
    Lite likes this.