LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎨🏙️Concrete Culture🌴🌿

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. I personally don't think so
    Calaem, Psycho, Carrie and 1 other person like this.
  2. furnitures are sooo nice ❤️
  3. 🚔Cute💙
  5. Really love those wall planters! Always love pets in furni. Avis are cute too, cool styles on some of them!
  6. A little confused a BLM hunt wasn’t started... perfect opportunity to throw in some protestor avis with city theme. Maybe we’ll get to see a side hunt..? High hopes
    Woes and Healing like this.
  7. As a New Yorker and an artist, I am LIVING for this hunt 🤩🤩
  8. I love the avis !! Nicely made🥰
  9. I think there's something to like in there for everyone. Good selection of furni, avis, and misc.


    Still hate the avi box thing tho
    Carrie likes this.
  10. They plan hunts several months in advance so it'd be super last minute to create a whole nicely-done BLM hunt, especially since they would likely try to consult with at least one activist artist beforehand like they have for other sensitive topics (namely the Native American hunt).
    TattedMamii, Juliet, Calaem and 4 others like this.
  11. Send me a chibi and I’ll love you forever ;))) @Kittyy -Looking for beads and shards... so hmu cuties :)
  12. Cute~ .. sorta
  13. avis so cool 💕
  14. I like it! The avatars are cute (especially female, thank you for always spoiling us girls).

    Also agree that there's something in it for most people and I enjoy the variety.
    Still, where is our alien hunt?
  15. Yup awesome avis.
  16. I personally don't see much correlation between this theme and current events. Would you mind elaborating on why you see it as insensitive?
    Anyastasia, Calaem and Muschi like this.
  17. If only the guy avis were cute..
  18. Nito el 499 urgente