CURRENT EVENT 🎏 Night at the Aquarium 🎏

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Aug 6, 2024.

  1. Oh fric— 🗿 it’s the rocks bro, it’s the rocks…you trippin
    Joe201 and Soldat like this.
  2. No ppotd drop ? 🫣
    flameSy, sinnamanbun and Victoria like this.
  3. Sure be nice if my new club could participate in these hunts, sadly we dont have many parties unlocked as we're brand new and need perm members and admins to help.... wink wink
    flameSy likes this.
  4. Hopefully I get some good boxes!!! It’s nice
    flameSy likes this.
  5. Another event I don't care about. More dragons and horror stuff please
    Joe201 and flameSy like this.
  6. Sooooooo love it
    flameSy likes this.
  7. Beautiful 😻
    flameSy likes this.
  8. just had a dragon hunt not that long ago
    flameSy and Joe201 like this.
  9. So pretty, might actually play play if the jelly fish girl is side, doubt it but a girl can hope🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
    flameSy, lustylegend and Lumi like this.
  10. Eeh could have been a bit better
    flameSy likes this.
  11. Where is the aquarium?
    Joe201 and flameSy like this.
  12. Maybe there isn't really an aquarium and it's probably just what they named the hunt?
    Lumi and flameSy like this.
  13. How do u get the chick with purple dress
    flameSy likes this.
  14. Through side story
    Joe201 likes this.
  15. It’s the phone on the left.

    Starting you out with having to collect diving flippers.

    The avi you’re asking is later into the side story. 🗿
    Joe201, Lumi and bloodhoney like this.
  16. The female avis completely blow the male ones out of the water. Heck, three of the male avis basically have the same style with the open chest shirt…not only that, but I don’t think the male even match the theme this time except the lb one. They’re kinda just there.

    The hunt furn is nice, but I had my hopes up for an aquarium dorm when reading the term aquarium. My rs is collecting it though!
  17. Always making the ugliest Avis for avi boxes. Be better ATA.
    flameSy likes this.