NEW CONTENT 🎉 (TRIAL RUN) Weekend Getaway and Mansion Mayhem 🎉

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Villanel, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. It is 100% aligned to p2p as they stated that “only the strongest can hit the flirt bar”. I assume that means you need to be atleast a certain mcs or fall into a certain bucket to be able to hit. Assuming you may also have to spend ec or a lot of cash for the buffs, it is certainly not catered to f2p or potd
    Intention, Hoeseidon, NG and 9 others like this.
  2. This. Very naive to think ATA would be giving out things for free. 🧍🏻‍♀️ I lost my hopes.
    Yailin, EmoEmmy, Placebo and 3 others like this.
  3. layers can hit the bigger parties.
    There's not that chance of a disadvantage for smaller clubs or clubs will al small players, ya know?[/QUOTE]

    I feel like the second they said "get from mollys", we knew deep down it cost ecs/$$
    -May-, Hoeseidon, Grenade and 5 others like this.
  4. Sounds like KAW vibes to me, with certain battles played.
    Ballerina likes this.
  5. Bf parties are already formed to take x number of hits to finish, rather than more or less hits for bigger and smaller players fyi. So the point you’re trying to make into regards about bf doesn’t make 100% sense (I see what you’re saying though)
    Ballerina and Ayse like this.
  6. I wish there was more explanation as to the stats needed to hit flirt or how much it'll cost per item, like "Drop the Bass" or "Lights On, Party Over". Will it be based off of stats or your whole account? You can't really say buckets anymore because the addition of T13 messed up the buckets. Will all items be able to be sold via trade or gifts? (Keys, DTB, LOPO) What plunder is to be expected out of this party? More than invites or equal? I feel like this party is going to be something everyone has to experience to understand, but how many really want to stay around to find out?
  7. Bumping this cause it’s a good idea fr 🙂‍↕️
    stay_bubbly-x likes this.
  8. Bump (lmk when you take 80mcs+)
  9. [​IMG]

    Just dropping in to let everyone know the items needed for this Party from Molly's do not cost EC. : ) Our goal with this Party is to reward engagement and player growth. We have some technical limitations to work with though, so bear with us! If y'all don't absolutely hate the Party we'll for sure be iterating on the UX. For now we just wanted to get the concept out in player hands early so we can involve you in the iteration process.
  10. I appreciate letting us know. As others have said, it does seem like a more pvp party with how personal misc and mcs will affect someone able to hit the party. It definitely seems like the biggest question right now can’t be answered, because it’s a case-by-case on how you have your account set up with misc items and whatnot.

    Thank you for clarifying this.
    txpsychonaut and Victoria like this.
  11. I’m late because I took a fat nap.

    The description of the party does seem rough. I think it’ll be one of those things that will be easier to understand by watching. I think any further updates on the party should include screenshots or a video!

    I personally worry that my stats or misc will hold me back on hitting a bigger party like this - even though I’m active every day to collect the keys/drops from daily xc. If the devs could further explain who can and cannot hit, that would honestly be wonderful. I know there’s many factors that play for this sort of thing and I’d be understanding if y’all tried your best to appease us.

    This very much sounds like a quick “jet party” before a flash to allow all members to receive a 2hr bonus moving forward. It was specified, but if it could be stacked with other bonuses that would be hot (even dropping a jet WITH the Mayhem party would be snazzy).

    I look forward to seeing how this plays out. It wasn’t exactly what players were thinking when we asked for a harder ec party but I like the twist on it.
  12. 👏 Love the communication! Can we get some of the other questions in this thread cleared up?

    There are more questions than answers floating around here
    -May-, txpsychonaut, EmoEmmy and 4 others like this.
  13. I vote bringing back 2019 pimd but yall stay safe 👋😏
    -May-, Lea, EmoEmmy and 2 others like this.
  14. So weak players can't do this party? I don't get it... That's awful :(
  15. it sounds interesting, I like the idea of harder parties, especially with so many bigger players now, but I'm dubious.

    I've never seen 60 players online at once in a club unless it was for a flash, lol.

    the instructions are a little hard to follow, but I think I get the idea. there's a bar that needs an item drop to complete it once all those 60 members are finished hitting, is that right...?
    I already see the issues with someone coming in and ending the party early for sfw/shits and giggles/just to be a jerk reasons.

    interested in seeing how the trial goes.
    I do wish some of the other features we've been teased with/asking for would get released! (are those bronze/silver/gold timer boxes never coming back ?? 😩)
  16. Yeah, how much you've built your account will defs matter here! One thing we think can improve in PIMD right now is having more reasons to grow and build your account. As some have mentioned in this thread, most Parties are really easy to hit and big players do so much damage that the Parties are over in no time. We're looking at this problem from multiple angles, and I want to be clear that this Party is just one of things we're trying out on that front
  17. 🏢
    Breadie, txpsychonaut and BrattyKitty like this.
  18. I'm willing to hold back my opinion on this until we go through this trial run, though it does seem like it will be a headache to coordinate in a regular club.

    I'd also like to know if there's a certain stat range that is considered "strong" to be able to successfully hit this party. I'd hate to start this party and not have enough of these "strong" players to be able to get to the next part that others can hit.

    And.....just going to add my vote to the bring back super pros list. Those would be perfect for these bigger players and way less complicated than this seems like it'll be.
  19. Dawg ... Just bring the super pros back 😭 that's all you had to do
    Lea, Grenade, Tiramisu and 2 others like this.