FOUR CLUBS are TRYING to do key rn👀 How to find 240 keys simultaneously? 👀 There should be ONE rule ✅Club must announce to host a key AFTER ✅Only one host announce is allowed. So the next club must always wait 5 hours Like if you agree🙂👍
Bring back super pro parties. Reg EC parties are cool, though an upgrade option for EC parties would be good
I just received a new report from some clubbies on the drop the bass bar. They know each other irl, activated their buff at the same time, and one had to put their phone down for something quick. When they came back they were no longer able to hit the bar, while the first was still going on it. 🧍‍♀️ is this some sort of glitch? Or did you sneak it in there that if we're not consecutively hitting this bar our buff ends early?
Apologies in advance since this will be a bit long. My final thoughts on this party as is right now. The name is aptly fitting since it had Mayhem ensuing. As previously mentioned, the keys were a nightmare to get. Different timezones make it really hard to get 60 people in the club online within a reasonable time. It took over an hour to get 60 keys dropped and 18 of those keys came from alts or tutors who came and dropped for us. No amount of pre-planning could get 60 people in a potd/ppotd club online around the same time. That's more than half of them if the club is full. Since we had a one time chance at this trial run I tried to find the most opportune time to get everyone a chance to hit and decided to slow jam and hold the party until the very end. My club was all on board to just sit around and chat/wait. So in that regard it did get cc more chatty than it has been in a while. The flirt bar seemed to be fine. We got through it fairly easily and those who could successfully hit didn't mind using a few dn to push through it so that everyone could get the part they all could hit. The rest was kind of just a mess. Despite trying to get everyone to know what was going on and how things would go, there were still lots of questions about "Drop the Bass", but over time I know that confusion would end the more the party would be done and people see firsthand what it's about. Some had gotten the boost prior to the party starting so they missed out hitting that bar. Again though I think that's something people had as a learning experience to hopefully know better next time. Thankfully everyone in my club read and followed instructions to not get the "Lights On". This part actually worked well for us despite me being worried someone would just get both at the same time and end it. I had planned it out that I'd have an alt in the club and have them be the last to hit and activate their "Drop the Bass" with 10 minutes left in the party so that they could turn the light on and we could finish the party. So we didn't have the worry about finding someone who still had their boost going/hadn't used it yet to end it. In the end I don't think the overall concept is terrible and actually kind of liked the idea of needing the club to come together to drop and start the party. Just the 60 keys seems way too high unless in the future people could earn more than one to drop multiple at a time. I like the idea of a harder bar that needs to be done to open up the rest of the party for others. It gives an incentive for people to grow more and hit that first bar. The rest of it, I see the point to it but am iffy on how that goes. It just seems like more trouble than what it's worth to hit a party.
So, personally I do like these Mayhem parties, finishing them is complicated though and it gives way for anybody to finish the party whether by mistake or purposely, disrupting everyone's hits. I think the lights function should be changed to where: 1) Only club Executives or higher power should access the lights. 2) just take it out and make it finish like all other parties. My only complaint is the lights function, I hope that gets fixed differently and also that the key isn't going to replace the Daily XC DN a lot of us rely on that. Thank you for coming to my txpsy talk
I have just completed hosting a pop up Mansion Mayhem Party and everything I said here still applies. Including the set up time vs bar speeds and the whole shebang. I would like to add that key drops specifically also need a purple club chat notification. Checking droppers through the party log was quite hectic and involved a lot of back and fourth. A key counter would be nice as well to not have to do manually, but that would not be so labourous if you reduce the keys. (30 still recomended)
As someone who didnt get to trial it but has been reading through this forum: •Do NOT make either the Drop The Bass or Lights accessible in Molly’s. •This party was made specifically to be ran once a week and not every single day, i think lowering keys to anything 35 and under is not a good idea, because we still dont know how they’re gonna go about proportioning the keys. •HOWEVER 60 keys is a bit much, i would say 45-50 would be okay. •The idea of how this party works and all the coordination you need to do, it seems like this would be more of a flash party than anything •There are definitely people who will exploit it if they lower keys, make it accessible in Molly’s or lock it behind ECs. IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN EVERY DAY PARTY. So Stop Making Reccomendations for it to be EC locked dependant or have them lower keys down to 10-30. Tf👨🏽‍🦯 •Lastly, for all those complaining about the chaos and confusion about the lights and stuff. Watch this party end up being a flash and see how well they coordinate who is gonna turn the lights on. It’s actually fairly easy to coordinate.
I was annoyed at this at first. Obligatory could’ve been releasing something highly requested. The party isn’t too bad. I’ve been wanting a rework with parties overall. This gives it a flash feel, as you have to coordinate. Im skeptical if all items needed will be no EC, either way hope it’s reasonable. I think the drops weren’t bad better than I expected to be honest with how stingy ATA likes to get. This isn’t meant to be a daily party and that’s fine. It does need some rework though, keys required should go down 40-50 perhaps. lights out only club admin at minimum. Some small tweaks overall so it can flow better.
In my opinion 30 keys per party Bass boost lasting 10mins Lights on only VP or President can use Dance bar... needs to be harder otherwise blink and it's done. Able to run 2 parties per week that way those two parties are ran at different time zones and all members of a regular club can benefit from the extra drops. Otherwise I am not one to kick my members for someone else to jump in cuz they have key to contribute, due to someone else sleeping, working or just being busy! That doesn't bring a club together but divides it.
Say you want all clubs to be ec clubs and for potd clubs to be eliminated, without saying it, ATA. Oh wait, you just did. At some point, I guess I need to accept that.
This was horrible. And the last bar SHOULD NOT need the drop the bass anymore. Make it a different bar.
This. Counting 60 keys, checking who dropped, especially OD drops, is difficult asf. There should be a notif in club chat like there is when ppl drop invites or other ec items.
POTD clubs are a necessity and I'd hate to see them fazed out. A lot of ppl can't afford/don't want to spend $7 on a cat every two days to stay in an EC club constantly. That's just how it goes. When a hunt is mid, I ain't tryna spend $$, so I don't. I understand it's just business but F2P in this game is soo underwhelming sometimes. And P2P is wayy too expensive without a ton of effort & time đź’€ I play plenty of games & this is by far the most expensive to P2P
Mayhem Experience: (5 hours ago) Admins gave directions similarly to flash: --lineup SD or OD on an admin's wall --CA stating not to use Light Switch --admins did banner post in club chat instructing not to use Bass until Dance bar --lots of Q&A in club chat about when/how/who should use bass, who can hit which bars and when, etc Much business-like coordination had to occur for this party to run successfully unlike the party atmosphere intended. There were tags for key droppers yet to drop; these were cleared as people dropped keys mainly at the first checkpoint mentioned below. I did not check member list again later during party to know whether tags were continuously added. It seems unlikely as OD entrance and key drop were rapidly occurring. I believe majority of the SDs joined during the party countdown like myself but I could be wrong. 10min in: 36 keys left to drop Rate of key drops began slowing heavily at this point. Because of this particular party test being later in the window and the restriction to a max of one key per acc, I mostly saw ODs entering, dropping, and leaving in club chat during this time. The party hitter list only showed a dozen key droppers as ODs left club, so I counted from party log and saw 24 keys dropped thus far. 23 min in: 24 keys left to drop(admin announced) 31 min in: 17 keys left to drop(admin announced) 38 min in: All keys finally dropped! I didn't see this moment and had to trace back the time from ss of party log Flirt: crazy fast as many hitters over 100mcs+ and even 200mcs+. I didn't even seen this bar occur. This first bar must have taken 0-1min. Vibe: also crazy fast, I barely got to unload right at its end. This point was when I saw the party screen again after checking this thread updates about the results of other party tests, suggestions as a result, and exchanging updates with someone beginning to host another party test elsewhere. The Vibe bar probably took about 1-2min. Dance: An admin spammed chat to let ppl know to use Bass then to Dance; sadly, some participants had used it too soon, so they couldn't Dance 🤧 Dance took abt 12min total. I activated my Bass abt 2min into it and witnessed/felt chaos for the remainder of the time as thereby described below. Lights On: I started Bass a little later than most but was using regens and DNS up until my bass boost end, so I didn't get to volunteer as a potential Lights On person during that time as I hoped to. Still, with how everything was conducted, I expected there to be a designated Lights On person already. l let chat know when my Bass boost had ended. Many had already finished their Bass boosts, and admins now instructed chat to use the Light Switch. We then realized nobody talking still had the Bass boost on and that there was no designated person or volunteer. After 4-5 minutes of everyone panicking, someone used a Light Switch. I do not know details on whether it was an emergency alt/person brought in or whether it was one of the party hitters who had a SD or OD and hit throughout. Suggestions: Key requirement drop to 30. I attended a semi-planned/booked party test and it still took 38min before all keys could be dropped to start the party. Key droppers who could only be on for the first half hour missed out on hitting it period. Ain't no way a potd/ppotd club can benefit from the current key requirement. The link between light switch and bass use should either be disconnected and/or modified. It's unnecessarily stressful, not exciting nor thrilling. I don't quite think it's right to have to stress about both party start and end, so kinda so-so on the mere existence of the light switch tbh. Increasing bass time to 10min is a suggestion I spotted and support as a modification. Club admins only should be allowed to use light switch to end party, parallel to how club admins only start parties. Club admins can temporarily promote someone if they wish to designate a member to perform the task. Having light switch be available for an entire cub reminds me of the club pin situation but is much worse Relocation of both the bass and light switch is needed. Bass to be with solo items like care packs. Light switch with club items like slow jams. Notifications for muuuuuch needed --key drops in club chat with key count such as "x dropped Key (22/60)" --total key drop count in party log --notif in club chat about all keys having been dropped to start party --reaching the Bass bar --countdown timer and notif for Bass boost activation Cash payout needs to improve heavily, most likely in proportion to the drops. This would definitely meet the hype as advertised for this new party. It also would justify dn use since max drops only needs two unloads without care pack, one with. I may be missing more suggestions I agreed with in from this post, so I'll show support by Liking comments with such! I'm happy to be part of testing though I felt the brief window should have been a day longer. I also believe the keys should have been unlimited to test.