Discussion in 'Activities' started by Allured, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Hi πŸ™Š My Items are Homemade bento box, crystal star, french apple tart. Goodluck on your finals. I know you will pass and get a better job that suits you ❀
  2. Can i get
    Sweetest dream bed
    Beer and necessities bed
    2 rose pink cloudπŸ™‚
  3. Sweetest dream bed
    Bear necessities bed
    Chibi Bento
  4. Black and gold boxes deluxe ice cream stat and Princess sparklehorn
  5. I hope i get the chance to win kanzashi, crystal moon and first blush cake
  6. skate shoes
    Oracle piglet pls πŸ’•
  7. Kanzashi
    Evil apple plush
    Mint julep
  8. My 3 items are healing crystal, cazachi and idyl bookcase ☺️
  9. Super ski squirrel

    The happiest magpie

    these are my top three πŸ™ˆπŸ’• thanks
  10. My 3 items are
    Stary violet cloud
    Sweetst dream Bed
    Stellarama bookcase
  11. Hi my three pick is mini cauldron, kanzashi and evil apple plush pls
  12. Idyl curtains
    Idyl songbird
    Idyl chair
    Good luck all πŸ˜„
  13. Pro skateboard
    First blush cake
    Mint julep
    Have a nice life!
  14. Mint julep, evil apple plush and first blush cake if ever 😁
  15. My 3 picks: mint julep, deluxe ice cream and dart board
    Ty in advance πŸ€—
  16. Fancy football drink, skull ring, party balloons pls
  17. Kanzachi, watermelon hat and sports straw bottles ty πŸ’
  18. First blush cake, zuffi's straw hat, tapsilog are my 3 items hope to get some of those 😊 Thank you
  19. Blue crystal star, purple crystal sphere and candlestick crystal tyπŸ₯Ί goodluck with exams
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