EVENT 🎆 The Backyard Gala 🎆

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 9, 2022.

  1. Honestly I love the avatars
  2. His eyes ss. I can't. I cant
    lustylegend and xxxsmugbugxxx like this.
  3. The Canadian Avis should of had an Indigenous Theme to them🥺🧡 Your company if from Canada. Could of showcased that instead of 2 white avis especially with the Residential School Situation.
    Xara, Rue, Lavender_tea and 6 others like this.
  4. Why didn’t you guys let us be able to get the Canadian charts through the lite boxes😞
  5. Shards
  6. Y'all are rolling side stories out quickly this hunt. I like it.
  7. Furniture wise the best 4oj hunt I know so far
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  8. Send me moose
  9. 💗 selling moose 40:1🍱 💗
  10. Which pro party gives the ice cream stat item though? Surely not all of them?
  11. Dont get me wrong, its awful about the children but its time to move on… not everything has to do include this bad discovery. Time to heal and move on!
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  12. I hope so!!! Been 2 years since the last Canadian room! Come on guys!!
  13. Oh yes another break
    Zeri likes this.
  14. The box avatars look like they have weeping eye infections 🤢 This is not a fashion statement in the US, or anywhere.
  15. And let me tell you something else, ATA, since you are clueless. No one is BAKING APPLE PIES as theme for the Fourth of July. Apples are harvested in the FALL. It is too HOT in July. We have cookouts for the Fourth. You shove apple pie into every Fourth of July hunt, thinking, "American as apple pie," but this is NOT the holiday for it.
  16. Thanks for in the info
  17. Agree! ATA is even based in Canada but we still don’t get them… Canada day is July 1st!
  18. They haven't even gone to every Residential School yet to dig up all the bodies. We aren't going to move on from a mass genocide.
    Rue, RAVING, Lavender_tea and 2 others like this.
  19. VIP bottom right = Cheeseburger Freedom Man I love it
  20. I've made this complaint way too many times.
    x_FluorescentEllis_x likes this.