LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎄Under the Mistletoe Shard Box!🎄

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Yall suck for bringing these back
  2. Oh my gosh, really? Another bring back? Why? Is there lack of inspiration? I know these were popular last year. But this was just a year ago!

    I guess no longer true because you will bring back stuff at one point anyway.

    I really want to be so supportive of you guys because I know it’s not easy to make a game and come up with creative ideas every time. But it’s getting too much with the stuff you rerelease. It’s making me sad and really lose interest. It’s either another knock-off hunt or you rerelease things. I don’t want to tell you how to do your job but please do better.

    I still like the them but it’s too short to bring them back that fast and it really come across like a money grab. I’m so so sorry, it just makes me sad it see this keeps happening.
  3. Y'all don't listen for shiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt bro like come on
  4. I love these I'm glad they brought them back 🥰🥰
  5. These were literally here LAST YEAR…. Not our fault that these players weren’t on a year ago. I’m more understanding of this crap if it was like, four years ago. Three years ago. Maybe even two.

    but these aren’t even old.

  6. Are ya’ll fr? I don’t mind the throwback Avis. I think it’s a nice idea but not so often and definitely not Avis that were from just ONE YEAR AGO. If you’re gonna do throwback Avis then GO BACK and get older Avis.
    Pahuj, MayaTheHopeful, Wys and 6 others like this.
  7. Well at least I'm saving money, because this sucks.
    Juno likes this.
  8. Omg I hate ata so much . Why did you bring these back with NO change. You know
    Ppl want to spend during these times n this is not it.
  9. Actually thanks for this! I wasn't able to get the last tier avi last year so I'll try my best this one. 🥰
    (and before yall judge me, I don't spend my money here, only playing oferwall games for ecs, hehe. 🤠)
    affywulfric likes this.
  11. Oh best believe I got it the first day it dropped!