UPDATE 🎃Trick or Treat This Halloween!🎃

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 21, 2024.


    We need to work together if (trigger warning) ATA doesn’t want to listen to us. BBB hosts we need you to stop hosting, for at least a month, until ATA wakes up and actually listen to us FOR ONCE. So stop spending.

    Why do we give them so much power when they’re not even doing the bare minimum? Constantly repeated themes, recycled avi, trashy male avis, being greedy, remember the previous raffle?😂 And of course, this greedy hunt.

    So stop spending until they start putting effort into the game again like they used to. SPREAD THE WORDS.
    web, Atlex, -May- and 19 others like this.
  2. Is this approach aligned with your founding principles of "creating games you would play yourselves"? I can't imagine everyone around the table agreed that they would gladly drop the chunk of their salary needed to play this hunt. Please direct me to the staff players paying out of pocket to participate in this hunt so I can check how much they've collected in active pursuit of 12,000 drops. If you can't direct me to anyone, you've lost touch with your principles in pursuit of money and you need to update your website.
    iJustEmma, web, 0-Felix-0 and 32 others like this.
  3. This is my second review for this and let me tell you, this is so disappointing. I’ve done over 200 parties and only gotten 1k candies. So unless you spend hundreds of dollars you won’t obtain the avis or the misc. Thanks ata for the let down.
    -May-, PurplePegasus, Tero and 10 others like this.
  4. this whole thing genuinely made me wanna just delete the game😭. definitely not spending anymore money. ATA, your silence is beyond sickening.
    Atlex, -May-, PurplePegasus and 13 others like this.
  5. 📢 Boycott spending 📢
    We really should pick a timeframe and stick to it, this is insane and shouldn't be tolerated
    CustodyBattle, -May-, Miley and 13 others like this.
  6. Like I have spent a TON of money on this game, and proudly haven't spent in 6 months (and never again), I have two silver crowns, two crown of bills AND 60 crowns of flowers. I will never EVER support this game for another dime, it's absolutely disgusting that not only is it pay-to-play at this point, the prices are insane. Could you imagine dropping $200 USD on 4 pieces of in game furniture? Not getting a box, a bonus or anything other than a one time benefit?

    The lack of communication is DISGUSTING.
    No one is happy ata, time you realize that before it's too late
  7. All imma say is, this event is a huge let down from the pay to win and black market sellers. The drop rate is still crazy as some have said they've been hitting parties since the event started and still haven't gotten a bar, like is the chance 0.0001% to get a bar? People don't have ecs to spend let alone play all day/night to try and flash for a bar 😵‍💫. I agree people should stop spending they haven't really listened and only increased the drop rate to a minimal, those that are in potd have no chance to any rewards
  8. So these candy and gold bar drops are in my opinion very messed up. The candy drops being low is one thing. But to have most players getting absolutely no bars dropping no matter how many times they flash and hit hundreds of parties and yet you have select few who have gotten MULTIPLE gold bars drop from parties is insane. Your algorithm for "random" drops is either really messed up or like how does one become ata's favorite and get this kind of "luck"?
  9. Boycott Black Friday
    ATA only cares about money, not our community. Hit them where it hurts.
    Boycott Black Friday
  10. lmfao webstore banned for 2 days because I spent too much too fast ? so I hate this event 🪦
  11. Yo, I cant use my candies in the shop... ?? It says I cant purchase because I dont have enough of the very item I'm trying to buy?
    Mythical and Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo like this.
  13. 📢📢📢📢📢
  16. I really wish this would work but I genuinely have no faith in the people that spend 1000’s on this game to stop doing that. All they’ll see is an easier LB tbh. If you can do this, please do.
  17. A RECYCLED STORY PASS???? Really ata? What is wrong with you guys???????? I’m so over this
  18. I can't see the forum post but if it's the same avatars I'm probably done with the game. This whole month has been a letdown
  19. It better not be a recolor of the same avis😂
  20. Literally nobody asked for this. Why don’t they release a pass again we haven’t seen in like FIVE YEARS+ lmaoooo